Quiz — Which Eastern European City Would You Live in as a Digital Nomad?

Take the quiz to find out which place suits you


Image by Pam Patterson from Pixabay


Do you dream of living in Europe but worry about the high living costs? Do you want to immerse yourself in new cultures, languages, and landscapes? Do you like to get off the beaten path? If so, Eastern Europe might be for you! With cities every bit as beautiful as their Western European neighbors that are steeped in history and close to some beautiful nature spots, there’s plenty to chose from.

We’ve picked three of the most popular cities for digital nomads to help you choose the perfect place for you. I hope you find this fun and learn a bit about yourself and what you’re looking for in a city to live in.


Question 1: What would you like for dinner?

a. I want to fill up on pierogies! (Delicious dumplings, choose from lots of traditional fillings like potato and cheese, sauerkraut or spinach)

b. A big bowel of Hungarian Goulash! ( Peppery beef and tomato stew cooked with paprika. It’s usually served with fresh white bread)



Sh*t Happens - Lost Girl Travel
World Traveler’s Blog

Hi! I’m Georgie and I share travel stories of when sh*t happens. I think that sometimes the worst things that happen to you traveling, are often the funniest