My Biggest Takeaway from 5 Years of Travel

And how it has led to success beyond adventures

Adam J. Cheshier
World Traveler’s Blog


Photo by Philipp Kämmerer on Unsplash

** This piece was written 3 years ago and re-published.**

Recently, I saw a childhood friend for the first time in many years. We used to be close friends, but as some friendships go, we lost touch.

After sharing some of my travel stories, she realized something.

“Well, you sure aren’t the nine-year-old boy who wouldn’t order his own food at restaurants anymore.”

It’s true, I had grown. I can make my own decisions, and — yes — I do order for myself at restaurants now.

That might be a ridiculous observation. Obviously, I’m not the same person I was when we were at the pinnacle of our friendship some fourteen years ago.

People grow out of utter shyness and other stages of life. Yet, I don’t think that was the message she was trying to convey. She hasn’t seen me for years — at least since our high school days over six years ago.

Most kids from my high school would guess I was working a secure job by now. Working 40+ hours a week somewhere in Kansas City where I grew up.

It’d be a shock to some of them that I have spent over five years in foreign places since they last saw me.



Adam J. Cheshier
World Traveler’s Blog

Documenting obscure pockets of the world across long-distance overland expeditions. Recently celebrated 7 years of nomadism.