The Journey is a wandering of five national parks and what I found on the way.

The Journey — Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is a feast for your mind, body, and soul.

Bob Dumont
World Traveler’s Blog
7 min readJan 8, 2021


Half Dome and beyond at Yosemite National Park. Photo credit: Bob Dumont.

High up in the mountains a grove of 2,000-year-old trees awaits and calls. Standing tall and breathing in the clouds, they only exist in one place on our planet. To get to them, you have to take a twisting road to the top of Yosemite National Park.

Yosemite is one of the jewels of the National Park System of the United States. Millions of tourists from all parts of the world visit the unique vistas, waterfalls, and sheer granite cliffs that are a part of this 1,200 square mile (3,100 square km) wonder. While the number of tourists may turn-off some adventure seekers — don’t let that stop you. The park is vast and many parts are remote and sparsely visited. It also features some extremely challenging rock climbing. The views are unlike anything you can imagine.

We arrived in Yosemite from Highway 140 after spending a night at the welcoming town of Mariposa. It is an interesting place to gather your thoughts before entering Yosemite Valley and provides an entrance via the southwest corner of the park.



Bob Dumont
World Traveler’s Blog

Writer. Programmer. Dad. Husband. Concerned. If I knew, I would know.