The Land of Truth, a nation on the lap of mountains. Why Nepal is a must-visit place

Atul Jha
World Traveler’s Blog
7 min readDec 23, 2020

Crowned by the mystic mountains, freshwater flowing in its veins, right through the greenest of hills spreading across the flatlands of the south.

Photo by Bibek KC

“मेरो देश को चुलोमा बल्दछ पूर्व को पहिलो आगो,

तराई का कराईमा पाक्दछन् जिब्रो लोलाउने स्वादहरु,

लेक बेँसीका चौतारीमा बैठक बस्छन् कोईलीहरु स्विटर बेरेर बेसक्याम्प कुरिरहेछ तिम्रै पैतालाका ढोबहरु आऊ,

हिँड, पूर्व को पहिलो आगो उदाउने बेला भयो!” — Nabin Bhusal

Literally translated as

We bake the bun on the first Sun of the east

Cauldron of Terai cooks you the best feast

Uphill serves you with Koyal bird greets Sweater from the sheep, The Himalaya knit

The untouched snow waiting for your feet Come, the sun has a story to share!

Written and translated by Nabin Bhusal, an aspiring poet. More from Nabin

There’s more to Nepal than the clichéd mountains you might have known. Let me tell you about Nepal through the eyes of a resident. In an age where humans have reached mars, you don’t move out of your own place. Yes, Covid-19 hit us hard. We all know the frustration of being caged between the walls and ceilings of our houses. A lot of time is spent thinking, thinking, and overthinking of the things we could have done but didn’t. There is one thing we have always dreamt of regardless of who we are and where we live, an escape. An escape from the autopilot where you know complex stuff but fail to notice the little things around you. Covid has taught us the monotony of staying in one place, can be suffocating. So why not give your brain the thrill of an adventure it needs.

That thrill can only be achieved by an experience. The excitement of something you are not used to, the pleasure in knowing what you may never have known, what the world has to offer. Reward yourself for the patience you show each day and the mini battles you fought through the pandemic by going for a travel. Time doesn’t wait for anyone but what this world has to offer you, is waiting. It’s your choice to make.

Why you should travel?

1. To escape the monotony

Traveling is the best way to escape a monotonous lifestyle. When you live a routine, your brain goes on autopilot. It is routine that kills us from within. We need to break out of this monotony giving our brain the reward it needs. Your brain will only take care of you if you take good care of it.

2. Health Benefits

Traveling is a sure shot depression killer. It reduces anxiety making you happier, healthier, and stress-free. Check out this article on the scientifically proven health benefits of traveling abroad.

3. New Experiences

“The only source of knowledge is experience” — Albert Einestein. Source: Goodreads

You never know what you can learn when you are on a journey. Travelling gives you stories you can tell to your children and grandchildren about what you experienced. You only live once, why not enrich it with experiences worth a lifetime. Read: Why traveling is important to build relationships?

About Nepal

Blessed with natural beauty all across, Nepal is a nation that lies between China and India. Having a wide variety of natural scenery like lakes, rivers, mountains, hills, etc. that pleases the eye along with the depth of multiple cultures that are historically old and rich.

Widely known to the world as the birthplace of Lord Buddha, the light of Asia, and home to the highest mountain peak Mt. Everest, Nepal hosts some of the best flora and fauna along with unique traditions, cultures, and holy sights.

For anyone seeking to view nature in its truest form and indulge themselves in a mesmerizing serene vibe, Nepal is where you should be. You can find new perspectives on life that you can carry for the rest of your lives.

“Nature alone makes it one of the most fascinating countries in Asia: a confusion of mountains and hills, almost as if the Himalayas, in an attempt to reach the heavens, had crumbled back down to earth.” — Giuseppe Tucci in his book Journey to Mustang

You can check out more about Nepal here:

a) Nepal (Wikipedia)

b) Geography Now — Nepal: This is one of the channels that provide accurate information about Nepal in a short span of time.

c) You can read about Nepal in this book: Nepal Handbook (2nd Edition) by Kerry Moran

d) Nepal Tourism Board Official Website

The perks of visiting Nepal

Let me list down the experiences you can have in Nepal.

  1. The culture

Nepal has the most diverse cultures known in the world. There are many castes and religions living together in Nepal, each having its own customs, rituals, and traditions. Each individual culture has something unique to offer.

Janaki Mandir: Photo by Diya Pokharel on Unsplash
Buddhist monks: Photo by Rosanna Fung on Unsplash

2. The vibes

Nepal has many religious sights each carrying its unique vibe that you can experience. Serene atmosphere devoid of materialism where you can feel the moment. You can feel happier to be alive.

Currently, Nepal has 8 holy sights listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sights. If you are a Hindu devotee or a Buddhist follower, Nepal has a lot in store to offer.

The sound of bells: Photo by Shaouraav Shreshtha on Unsplash
The moment of life: Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

3. The craft

Nepal is renowned for its handicraft and art. Nepalese hand woolen carpets are the second-largest exports of the nation. Nepalese craft range from woodcarving, stone masonry, pottery, paintings, hand made pashmina goods, Himalayan Nepalese paper, Tibetan handicraft, Buddhist and Hindu statues, Mithila wall art, bamboo knitted umbrella, ironworks like khukuri and knife.

The poetry of handmade Pottery: Photo by Ivo Daskalov on Unsplash
Thanka Style Paintings: Photo by Rojan Maharjan on Unsplash
Handmade: Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

4. Nature

Nepal is blessed with nature. If you want to experience the biodiversity to its fullest, Nepal should be on your bucket list. Each region has something unique to offer when it comes to nature. The lakes, the hills, the rivers, the forests, the national parks, we have plenty of them that meets your soul through the eyes.

Ghandruk: Photo by Bibek KC
Langtang: Photo by Sanjeev Shakya
The capital city of Nepal: Photo by Sanjeev Shakya

5. The Almighty Mountains

Yes, they are cliché but they are a cliché for a reason. The northern belt of Nepal is a fully mountainous region that serves as the borders between Nepal and China. The journey to seeing the beauty of the highest peaks in the world is what’s truly beautiful. You can have a destination but it’s a journey you should look forward to.

Langtang: Photo by Sanjeev Shakya
Mount Everest: Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash
Photo by Sanjeev Shakya

6. Budget

Nepal is one of the cheapest countries to visit in the world, according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index by the World Economic Forum. There’s more Nepal can offer at a cheaper price rate. So, you are not only treating yourself but your bank account as well.

7. Cuisine

A unique taste of Nepalese cuisine, full of flavor and variation is the perfect way to energize yourself during a journey. Where every bite is a burst of taste in your mouth. Come treat your tastebuds, to the delight of food. Observing the people going on with their lives with a hot tea is a luxury in itself.

Nepali Thali Set: Photo by Abhishek Sanwa Limbu on Unsplash
Street food: Photo by Prijun Koirala on Unsplash


When you put a spoon of salt in a glass full of water and taste it, you feel the salt cringe your mood. Put the same salt in a lake then taste the water, you feel no salt.

Similarly, when you travel, you are broadening your view from a place to the entire world. Give yourself the delight of creating the experiences that can make you smile throughout your life.

Thank You for reading this.



Atul Jha
World Traveler’s Blog

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