The Most Beautiful Wildlife Pictures I Ever Took

A collection of photographs

Anne Bonfert
World Traveler’s Blog


Credit: Anne Bonfert

Animals. In the wild. Wildlife in their natural habitat. Nothing can be more fascinating than that. In days when civilization takes over and not much looks like it did before we are fascinated by pristine nature. And its inhabitants.


The photographs I selected aren’t listed from best to worst. I didn’t choose a chronological order either. They are listed in animal categories. Because I decided you can’t compare a photograph of a giraffe with a rhino.

Otherwise, I would just be adding photographs of lions and other predators up here. Because that is what most people are fascinated about. But I tried to give every animal category a place to shine.

Some of the pictures are special just because of the animals. It’s a close-up. It’s the way they look at you. Or it’s because of the constellation with other animals. But some of the photographs include the surroundings as well.

Credit: Anne BonfertTanzania 2015


I could write an entire article about birds spotted in the wild. But I decided to leave them out. I do have…



Anne Bonfert
World Traveler’s Blog

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.