Hiking and Backpacking Advice

Top 5 Reasons Thru-hikers Fail to Complete the Trail

How to complete the dream the way you intended

Cody James Howell PhD (Raiden)
World Traveler’s Blog
6 min readFeb 18, 2021


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

The new thru-hiking season approaches and thousands of hopeful hikers will soon attempt the peak adventure of our sport.

75% of them will fail.

How can you avoid becoming one of the majority and instead find yourself with a life-long badge of honor and accomplishment? Surely it’s just a matter of walking really far each day, sleeping, then doing it all over again the next day — it’s only 4–6 months, right?

Oh, if only it were that simple.

Here are the top reasons thru-hikers don’t complete their goal, along with methods to avoid each pitfall.

Lack of funds

As you will see, most of the top reasons come from a lack of planning and preparation — funding the adventure is no different.

Although a thru-hike can be completed for very little money (technically; $1500 has been reported), most will ultimately underestimate their individual spending. There’s a good reason for this: most non-thru-hikers will completely underestimate the allure of town and all its creature comforts.



Cody James Howell PhD (Raiden)
World Traveler’s Blog

Dr. of Neuroscience | Cofounder of World Traveler’s Blog | Thru-hiker | Educator | Professional Investor | Digital Nomad | Student of Political History