Traveling Without a Smartphone

The complete guide on how to travel smartphone-free

Cristina Miceli
World Traveler’s Blog


Writing on my diary on my first trip to Rome in 2017— photo by tenghiz.artz

Smartphones have become such an essential part of us that we barely remember how life was before them.

I bought my first smartphone in the summer of 2019 at the age of 22. It has been a year and a half since I started to use it and my life has completely changed. Like everybody else, I now check my phone multiple times a day and whenever I have a doubt or question, I immediately ask Mr. Google.

However, I still remember how my life was without a smartphone and sometimes I miss it. This is why I try to leave it at home unless absolutely necessary.

When traveling, I always do my best to leave my smartphone at my Airbnb.

But what are the benefits, and how do I manage to travel without an internet connection?

The Benefits of Leaving Your Smartphone Behind

Traveling without a smartphone has tons of benefits:

  • You get to speak to people more often. Just think about it, are you more prone to start a casual conversation with someone looking at his smartphone or someone who is not? Exactly. Without a smartphone, you won’t be able to ask Google for a restaurant…



Cristina Miceli
World Traveler’s Blog

A 23 year old freelancer trying to figure out what to do in her life. Spoiler alert: the answer is traveling.