Welcome to the City That Endlessly Enchants-My Chennai

A peek into the soul of this marvelous place I call home.

Bertilla Niveda
World Traveler’s Blog
17 min readMar 6, 2021


The Marina Beach as seen from atop the Chennai Lighthouse in January 2017 | All images in this story are by the author

Chennai, earlier called Madras, is one of the largest cultural and educational centers in South India. Located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, Chennai is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. It has won several accolades and is reputed for being the safest city in India.

In 2015, BBC named Chennai one of the “hottest” cities in the world. I wouldn’t have been too surprised if they were just referring to the scorching weather. But Chennai is on this list for its mix of modern and traditional values, making it a top city for touring and long-term living.

The century-old Central Railway Station pictured behind the entrance to the latest Central Metro Station

Over the past few decades, Madras has had a fabulous makeover to become the opulent metropolitan Chennai. But even as Chennai, with sleek modern advancements and urban sophistication, at its heart, the essence of Chennai remains the same.

While I would love to bring Chennai’s incredible features into the spotlight, I don’t want to paint a deceptive picture of my home. I don’t believe that we…



Bertilla Niveda
World Traveler’s Blog

Artist, engineer, and writer with a lot to say. You can connect with me at | Learn more→