When a River Flows Through the Desert

Exploring the Gaub Canyon, Namibia

Anne Bonfert
World Traveler’s Blog
5 min readFeb 8, 2021


Credit: Anne Bonfert

On our latest trip through the vast landscapes of Namibia, we got to explore some spectacular parts of the Namib desert. Landscape features which not every traveler gets to explore.

Driving on roads that aren’t roads. Following trails that aren’t leading anywhere. If a destination is what you are looking for.

But when you are open for nature to show you its best then this is what you want to see and explore!

Credit: Anne Bonfert

While staying at a friend’s lodge for another friend’s birthday we took their tour vehicle to explore the farmland. Since there aren’t tourists in the country they won’t need the car today to drive foreigners around for sundowners or other attractions.

We follow the semi vanished trail into the Gaub Canyon. A river that comes down from the mountains and got some decent rain a few weeks ago. Still flowing a bit today.



Anne Bonfert
World Traveler’s Blog

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.