From Conch to Tutu: A Musical Instrument & A Signal Horn

Teju Adisa-Farrar
World Unwrapped
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2015

by Opal Palmer Adisa

From October through May is the conch season in St Croix, USVI. Conch is eaten widely, and prepared in a variety of dishes, but what many do not realize is that the shell is as valuable as the conch meat, and has been used as a horn from the days of enslavement. Known locally as a Tutu, the shell horn was the main devise enslaved Africans used to announce gatherings/meetings and as an action oft call to plan rebellions against their oppression.

Approximately fifteen students from Arthur Richards Middle School in Frederiksted got a hands on workshop demonstration on Thursday, April 24, 2015, from Brian Bishop of Crucian Gold, on how to convert a conch shell into a tutu horn. Organized by members of the St Croix Sea Shell Society that currently has an extensive sea-shell exhibit at Fort Frederik, students gathered in the courtyard for this demonstration.


Today all over St Croix, Tutu is used by fishermen to announce to potential buyers that they are approaching shore with a load of fish, as well as fishermen and sailors use it on the high seas to salute each other. Tutu is also blown to open many cultural events in St Croix and the greater Virgin Islands.

When students arrived for the workshop, displayed on two tables, were several of Bishop’s Tutus (conch horns), as well as the necessary tools required to get the job done. Bishop began by informing students that the law requires that shells are at least nine inches and an individual is allowed six conchs per day without a license. Bishop told students that he dives in the ocean to procure his own conch, selecting only the biggest and best shells. Most importantly, he emphasized care must be taken to extract the conch from the shell. A machete or other blunt tool should not be utilized as it will leave a big gash rendering the shell useless for a musical instrument.

The Tutu is made after the conch is removed, then care is taken to fashion a mouth piece (embouchure) by sawing off the tip with an abrasive saw (power and hand saws can be used), about one and one quarter inches. If more is cut off, the hole will be too large for a horn. Next, Bishop demonstrated how to remove the interior spiral section inside the hole by utilizing a hammer and punch. The next step was smoothing the opening with sandpaper to avoid rough edges that could cut the lips.

It should be noted that embouchure size varies, depending on the size of the shell. Larger shells tend to feature a large embouchure much like a trombone, and the smaller like a cornet or trumpet. After sanding, the following phase is cleaning the back of the shell by thoroughly scrubbing it using a wire brush. If the edge of the shell is jagged-that too must be sanded smooth. Your shell is almost ready except for one more important step: To maintain the luster of your horn, Bishop recommends applying sunscreen with a high SPF factor to prevent fading and to enhance the smell. Baby or mineral oil can be used instead and is just as effective.


Students were eager to blow the tutus they created and Bishop gave them some pointers about pursing the lips, but the music teacher present also demonstrated. Blowing a tutu is similar to blowing a trumpet. One can achieve different notes by placing the hand inside the chamber of the shell at various spots, as well as using the finger to plug the small hole that was inserted to extract the conch meat. Tightening or loosing your lips will achieve different notes, also.

The students loud playing of the tutus brought in a crowd of visitors, one of whom eagerly purchased a tutu. It was evident from the active and enthusiastic participation of all the students (who were equipped with safety glasses, breathing masks, etc.) that this workshop was not only effective and practical but very enjoyable as well, and imparted important skills to students while reinforcing an important aspect of Crucian culture.

Brian Bishop has been making tutus for over thirty years. Approximately twenty-five years ago, Brian Bishop made 30 horns for a Conch shell orchestra entitled, Arkestra. Elizabeth Robb, musician and member of the Sea Shell Society, is interested in reviving such a group for young Crucians to promote the culture and keep the importance of these horns alive. Brian Bishop is also excited and will teach and help in the making of tutu horns for such a group.



Teju Adisa-Farrar
World Unwrapped

Multihyphenate | Writer | Connector : mapping resilient futures: alternative geographies x environmental / cultural equity [views my own]