Developing a Baby is a hard job.

Yukiko Yukiko
World Wide Cloud Baby
3 min readDec 3, 2015

As a baby robot developer, I never thought one day, my own body will be developing a baby inside! But I have confirmed that I have a bun in the oven:)

Please bear with me with my telling this personal story, but I always thought that changing the world is the highest priority there is. As a college student, I was type of a gal who would aim for straight As while interning at a highly respected international organization and work part time. After I graduated from college, my highest priority has always been about “making it to the top,” whatever the ladder I happened to be climbing at that time. Work comes first, and changing the world and serving for a highest purpose was the center of my belief — it defined who I was.

Now that there is a life living inside me, though, I have to admit that I have tremendous respect for those who do not necessarily change the world, but who give birth to children, who nurse children at home, and those who do not necessarily become famous for their achievement yet strive to protect their own families in their own ways. Mothers, especially!

I have to admit, even as a little girl, I wanted to be a boy. I admire everything that is associated with masculinity, and I wanted to be more like boys. If I read somewhere that being “logical” is considered to be one of the masculine traits, I wanted to be logical. If making it to the top often means you would be competing against boys, I wanted to be in the race and win it! Beside, girls are always chatting away, talking trash about others, and most of them were not ambitious enough (to my really limited perception, at least…) These were my thinking growing up. This intrinsic admiration for masculinity has led me to hold a false assumption that women are less than men, and women who are not changing the world or striving to do so are just useless social liability.

…Yes, I am really embarrassed to admit that that was my belief up until pretty freaking recently!

Scary and silly, right? But this was the truth.

Me having morning sickness…gah.

Being pregnant is tough! Man, mothers out there who go through this, hats off to you all. You may not even read medium or care about some robot developer’s personal runt, but you make the world a better place for doing what you are doing — creating life, an act that is a sheer miracle this Universe has to offer.

I am gagging, and bedridden while I write this, and to those mothers who have to do chores around the house, cook, pick up kids, work and do other human stuff while you have life growing inside you (and while gagging of course:P), I never gained so much respect for you.

It has been sobering all week for me, and it is not easy getting my ass kicked by my own falsely held belief. I am sorry, I was wrong!

I will continue to be part of the Baby robot developers team, and I will keep developing this tiny life inside me while I am at it. There may be a real baby and robot baby comparison in the future…God only knows what happens next.

Until next time, stay well and warm:)



