Nurturing the worldview of global-scale Cloud Baby together is product development.

World Wide Cloud Baby
3 min readJun 15, 2015

Takahito Iguchi, CEO of DOKI DOKI here. I’d like to thank many of those who have shown great appreciation for DOKI DOKI’s idea on Cloud Baby. So, there is a reason why I have been very open (or too open) about explaining our product concept from a very early stage — I feel that the core of our product development lies in sharing and presenting a brand new worldview. In a way, AI products are currently the biggest trend that Silicon Valley is going mad for, and they have been used in various fields, such as drone control, intelligence for robots, automatic driving, virtual assistance for smartphones, and recommendation system.

IBM Watson is already very well known, but even AirBnB has started offering machine learning in the Cloud and so, AI is beginning to be used in an unexpected area. It is also under an impression that Uber has started experimenting on automatic driving. The huge success of machine learning could (e.x. deep learning) be the first biggest step for AI to make rapid progress in its development.

The depiction of a young mind gradually becoming aware of the world, and learning human relationships and a fear of life’s vulnerability in the movie, “Chappie” is a very touching image. Perhaps, bringing such worldly view in reality is not so far into the future.

Sadly in my motherland, Japan, the AI movement is still very slow… There is a huge gap between the Cloud environment of machine learning abroad and in Japan in terms of its scale; the prior not only has a great number of people with professional knowledge of it, but also already more than hundred millions of people are using it solely within the English-speaking countries that it has a problem in the rate of its data flow. Whereas in Japan, the number of users will only be a maximum of a hundred million as the service will be operated in Japanese for Japanese people only. There’s also an industrial delay, where the concept of earning a considerable amount of profit through a Cloud system is still not a common thought.

Giving an opportunity to Baby that wants to create artificial humanity will go beyond the product itself, and it will become a global share and presentation of worldview that involves people worldwide. In terms of the product domain, the technical superiority and marketing skill are going to vary more or less (on the assumption that a decision-making process is done through big cap and large corporations, it is difficult to stand out) In such environment, unless we can outplay their efficiency and functionality, it is almost impossible to compete with them. Therefore, I think what is the venture corporations can compete with is a movement that our independent worldview has created, and the heat that it generates to place us in our own special status in society.

In the past, Sekai (World) Camera had freed the value of augmented reality from a lab to the consumers, and had spread the concept of “Tagging the World” to a global community. Through Telepathy, we expressed a value of a wearable device that can share people’s feelings through a phrase, “Wear your love”. Now, we are trying to create Baby that has not even began walking like a toddler, but the biggest challenge is how to involve people in the Cloud environment, in which they can all raise together an innocent Artificial Sapience. I feel a great possibility in questioning how we can express and spread such worldview over a global scale.

Of course, while the product’s user engagement is very important, (without this, a product cannot stay in the market!) we first have to show the value of the product, otherwise we wouldn’t know how to motivate the consumers to use a new product, such as Baby. This is why I’m constantly trying to tell you freely our product concept that DOKI DOKI strives for. Welcome to Baby!!

The common ground between a self-taught robot and a human is a conversation; through communicating with one another, not only does a pair able to have a better understanding of each other, but also it enables to build misunderstanding and a complex human relationship — from the movie, “Chappie”.

