What is baby app?

doki doki, inc.
World Wide Cloud Baby
2 min readFeb 17, 2016

“baby” is a new communication app that lets you to talk to someone, anytime you want, instantly.

First, you record your voice message. The message needs to be less than 5 seconds.

Once you record your message, you will be able to start listening to others’ voice messages. These messages are filtered based on their gender and their proximity to you so that you receive messages from people nearby you and of the opposite sex only.

If you like someone’s voice message, you can send them a “Ping.” If they “Ping” you back, you two are ready to connect.

Once you are connected, you can start voice chat (exchanging 5 seond long voice messages back and forth as much as you wish.) This Beta version, however, does not support the voice chat feature yet.

You can send a “Ping” to people you like — Ping away if you hear voices you like:)

Enjoy “baby” app! Please find and talk to sombody you like!




doki doki, inc.
World Wide Cloud Baby

“Ball” realizes the human desire to talk whatever as much as you want.