1-on-1 with Kate Vitasek — “The Vested® approach really works”

Kate Vitasek — Author, lecturer, and architect of Vested®

She’s an international authority for her award-winning research and the creation of Vested®. Kate Vitasek inspires and motivates companies across the world to transform their company relationships. She gives lectures, speaks at conferences, and gives workshops about Vested®’s five proven “rules” for achieving transformational results. Kate is a keynote speaker during World Workplace Europe meets Facility for Future 2019. In this interview Kate will you give you a taste of what is to come.


Kate says she gets her inspiration from her case studies. Measuring the results of a company before and after they have stepped over to Vested® gives her goosebumps. Kate: “During the research phase I see the daily struggle in companies. They are looking for a different way to do outsourcing but they don’t know how. With Vested® we are helping them get further along and that’s a big source of motivation and inspiration.”

Worn out and full of post-its

We asked Kate what the nicest compliment is she has ever been given. With a smile, she says: “After the end of a conference or workshop some people come to me and say, ‘Wow, I read your book and it’s really good.’ I find that funny because it almost seems like they think that a book about outsourcing could never be good. It’s really nice then when they start asking me to sign their worn out copies. You see notes everywhere and post-its. You really see then how valuable Vested® is for companies and that’s a big compliment to me.”

Inspiration and tips

Kate: “It’s one thing to learn something new, but the most difficult thing is to really do things differently and take your organization along. I hope that visitors to World Workplace Europe meets Facility for Future 2019 head home with the thought: The Vested approach really works! But more importantly: I hope I have given them the inspiration and tips to really go about things differently at work the next day.”

Maarten Erasmus, Managing Consultant at Meritor: Researcher Kate Vitasek (University of Tennessee) has dedicated her life to promoting and developing better cooperation between partners in the same chain. She shares her ideas under the name Vested®, which is kind of similar to the word unconditional. Think of it as a marriage. Vested® is a business model or method that tries to achieve high-level partnerships between chain partners and is built on the belief that all partners give 100% to their shared success.” Want to know more about Vested®?

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