1-on-1 with Nancy Rademaker: “People first, always”

Nancy Rademaker — Keynote speaker, motivator, partner at Nexxworks

Nancy Rademaker is a worldwide in-demand speaker. She also has a good helping of humor. She inspires and captivates you from the first second. Afterwards, you’ll be disappointed the session has ended, but you will have the tools to start bringing about changes in your organization for the Day After Tomorrow!

People first, always

How does technology influence human behavior? And how does it help us to share knowledge, be creative and innovate? Nancy Rademaker has an intriguing enthusiasm for people and “customer-centric” strategies. That’s why her motto is: “People first, always.” What does she see in facility management’s future? Read about it in this interview.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I travel a lot and meet a lot of people during events and workshops. They give me insights from their perspective. Besides that, I naturally follow a lot of stuff online and in the media.

What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given?

Well, that is a tricky one. One time a female CEO told me afterwards that I must be very good because she did not look at her phone once. During another event, someone came straight to me afterwards and said she would have liked to keep listening for another hour. But I think the nicest one came from a guy who was ‘forced’ to come to my presentation and told me afterwards that he was so inspired, he wanted to get started immediately. And he hadn’t had that feeling in years!

What does the Day After Tomorrow look like for Facility?

Every company, every organization is grappling with that question. Don’t stick your head in the sand, but open your mind and let yourself be inspired. Dare to look around the corner. Learn from others.

Make it easy and personal
As in every sector including facility you have to get off the beaten path. Think about what future clients really need and then decide how you can accommodate that. Clients want more simplicity. You have to make it easy for them. But they also want things to be more personalized and for you to connect with their wishes and needs.

What can YOU do tomorrow?

Nancy: “Change spans the entire organization and you have to act from the entire organization. What can you do tomorrow to initiate change or support it? How can you help do that? And how can you do it with everyone? Come to World Workplace Europe meets Facility for Future and I will give you the tools to get started with the changes for the Day After Tomorrow!”

Interested to register for Nancy Rademaker’s presentation? Get your tickets & sign up for your favorite sessions via this link. Hope to see you on March 20–22 at World Workplace Europe meets Facility for Future!

