A Quick Guide to Achieving Authenticity in Storytelling

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World Writers
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2 min readJul 27, 2020
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

What we say and how we say it matters, especially in the era of COVID-19. Being mindful of our tone and messaging, as well as staying factual and objective, are some key aspects to sensitive and honest communication. Readers are sharper than ever, and anything that sounds cliché or insincere in your brand copy stands out a mile.

Yet creating clear, authentic marketing content that truly connects with target audiences can be surprisingly tough. It’s not easy churning out quality copy that spurs action at the best of times, and the best of times these are not.

We’ve assembled some quick tips on staying authentic and keeping readers engaged.

Get organized.

Marketer Neil Patel suggests before you write the first word, you should know the following:
Your subject. E.g. Honest storytelling.
Your point. E.g. Sharing tips on how to write authentically.
Your outline. E.g. This article is outlined in five points.

This keeps your message on track, and helps you steer clear of disingenuous tangents.

Be direct.

As George Orwell famously said, never use the passive where you can use the active. The passive voice can come off as insipid, and often adds unnecessary words to a sentence. Why write “the article can be viewed here” when you can say “view the article”? Be brave — use the active voice!

Befriend brevity.

Always ask yourself, “can I make this sentence shorter?” Redundant words water down your message.

Be clear.

Don’t confuse — or bore — your audience with overwrought platitudes, metaphors or jargon. Here are some common cliché phrases to avoid and their more direct equivalents:

few and far between — few
in this day and age — today
last but not least — last
at the end of the day — finally, ultimately
at this moment in time — now

Belabored or gushy, maudlin writing nearly always rings false, and could turn off your readers.

Check your tone.

Don’t tell your audience about themselves — ask. Talking down to your reader or making assumptions about their experiences immediately damages your credibility. Instead of “we have all experienced tough challenges,” saying “have you faced this challenge?” opens up a line of communication between writer and reader.

One rule of thumb that helps keeps us on track? K.I.S.S. Keep It Short and Simple.

How has your approach to writing changed in 2020?

