Hiking to Havasu Falls

Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2020
Havasu Falls.. The most beautiful area I have ever hiked to

In March 2018 I was one of the lucky 150 people that get to experience Havasu Falls.

The Hike is challenging, the cost of camping is high but the reward is something special that will live with me for the rest of my life! Check out the Vlog & my top tips for hiking one of the most unique locations in the world, Havasu Falls.

The Havasu Creek!! Just amazing colours from the water

Follow my 10 mile Hike from the Hilltop down into Havasu Falls in the below VLOG

What did I bring?

  • Small tent
  • Warm Sleeping bag
  • 3 Litre water bladder
  • Lots of snacks
  • Hiking Boots
  • Cap
  • Clothing consisted of lightweight attire that I could quickly change if it got cold or warm

Highlight of the Hike?
Reaching the falls! After a long 4 hour hike there was no better reward than seeing the beautiful Havasu Falls and pitching up a tent alongside the creek…

Because the village is so restricted in regards to how many people visit daily you really can find an area of the camp ground to make your own so you really get a sense of being at one with nature. The area also has a strict no alcohol and no drugs policy… After a challenging hike as soon as darkness hit I was asleep and out like a light with just the sound of the stream alongside my tent for noise .

What I did see is a few people who just hitched up with hammocks to sleep in, this is a great idea especially as it reduces the weight of carrying a tent into the park.

I had a great surprise being given this Mustang as my hire car…. The other surprise was that Mustangs are not great for sleeping in just before a long hike!
Early morning sunrise hiking down into the Grand Canyon

There was two food stands inside the campground which opened for a few hours a day serving things like tacos, corn dogs and burgers which were really tasty! These as you expect were cash only. There is two shops in the village with basic supplies.

My top tip however is to try the breakfast burrito from the first store you see as you enter Supai village from the trail!! So yummy and just what you needed after the first 8 miles or before you hike back up to the hilltop (they also have hot coffee inside the store)

Starting early whilst the Canyon is still in the shade is the best advice anyone can give you for this hike
Half way into the hike
I loved the hiking trail with big boulders, shrubbery and stand alone tree’s… Really was a unique experience
This picture is sure to remind you that you are literally hiking inside the Grand Canyon
The trail to Havasu Falls
Supai Village
As you get closer to the campground you start to follow Havasu Creek … The sound of the running water refreshes you and gives you that last bit of energy for the final mile
The campground!! Easily the most beautiful campground in the world
My little island & tent for the night inside the campground
Havasu Falls — 10 miles in
Havasu Falls

Who is this for
If you love a slightly challenging hike, want to be at one with nature and see America at it’s best then make sure you know when the tickets go on sale for 2019 as this is the best hiking experience for me without a doubt ​​

Top Tips

  • Book early — When I booked for 2018 the dates for the whole year sold within an hour of going on sale!! Keep an eye out for on sale dates and make sure you are at your laptop when they go on sale! Blink and you will miss it
  • Travel Light — I travelled on my own so bought the lightest tent and sleeping bag I could find.. The hike back up to the Hilltop is a lot harder than hiking down. I did also see people without tents and just hammocks which also looked liked a potential great idea
  • Water!! You are hiking 8 miles to the village then at least a further 2 to the camp ground. I had a 2 litre water bladder on me and it was needed
  • Firm footwear — The last thing you want is blisters, a twisted ankle or sore feet
  • Hike early!! I left the hilltop at sunrise which meant for the majority of the hike I was in the shade of the Canyon…. On the way back I did not leave until 7.30 AM (1.5 hours after sunrise) and really suffered for it leaving the canyon in the direct sunlight
  • Energy bars & high carbohydrate snacks.. Essential to keep the energy levels up
  • Download Google maps (or similar) — I heard a few stories from people who hiked before the sunrise and ended up going the wrong way.. Keep to the trail and keep to your GPS
  • Everything you bring into the park has to come back out so make sure you have some kind of bag available for your rubbish
  • I hiked in and out of the park but I did enquire about a helicopter out of the park!! The helicopter at the time I was there started at 10am in the morning and worked on a first come first served basis! When I was leaving the village just after 8am there were already people waiting for the chopper. The cost however was attractive at only 85 dollars and only takes 10 minutes to reach the hilltop
  • I did not get any phone of 4G signal down in the campsite which for me was fantastic but do be aware of this if you need to stay in touch with the world
  • Lastly — — Stand to the side when the mules are coming through!! :-)

www.havasupaireservations.com/ — The most important link!! This is where you can reserve your space
www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/havasupai.htm — National Park Service website on Havasu Falls




A snapshot into my favourite hikes from around the world