Introducing the WIAD23 global workshop on orientation and wayfinding with Alastair Somerville

Grace G Lau
World Information Architecture Association
2 min readDec 16, 2022
Global Workshop presented by Alastair Somerville

For the first time, World Information Architecture Day features an interactive workshop alongside the global keynote focused on the theme Orientation & Wayfinding. Alastair Somerville’s workshop would be a wonderful complement to Leah Ferguson’s global keynote.

We’ve scheduled the workshop to take place after the keynote so that WIAD attendees have an opportunity to attend the keynote and the local events.

Date: Thursday, 9 March 2023

Time: 4 PM GMT / 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET (check other timezones)

Duration: 4 hours


  • USD $200 for corporate workshop registration. Ideal for people who can afford it or are reimbursed by their company.
  • USD $100 for non-profit, educational organisations and individuals who are paying for themselves
  • USD $40 for people living in countries with extreme currency

About the Workshop:

An ABCD approach to orientation and wayfinding in places, spaces and journeys

A 4-hour workshop on understanding how humans find their way through places and information and how design can practically influence those experiences. Using a 4-part ABCD framework, this workshop is open to all levels of participants to explore how to plan and enhance human-centred wayfinding through:

  • Physical places
  • Digital spaces
  • Project journeys

The workshop uses a podcast and Zoom format to identify which wayfinding problem you want to study now and then bring you together with other participants with similar contextual issues to talk, listen, and share. The framework provides a foundation, but it is the time we spend together that helps build usable solutions.

About workshop logistics

Prior to the workshop, attendees will have access to workshop podcasts and materials. They will also have access to a private community page setup.

The workshop spans across 4 hours and includes breaks and breakout sessions.

About the workshop facilitator

Alastair Somerville is a sensory design consultant. He provides expert advice on cognition and person-centred design to companies and public organisations who provide both physical and digital products or services. He facilitates workshops on sensory and emotional design for major conferences and corporations.



Grace G Lau
World Information Architecture Association

Information architect / taxonomist / UX researcher-designer based in Greater Los Angeles, California