Meet Luis Alveart Guerrero: Regional Director, Latin America of World IA Day & UX Technical Manager at Globant

Black and white profile picture of Luis Alveart Guerrero
Luis Alveart Guerrero

Board Spotlight

We’re very excited to introduce some of the people, organizations, and companies behind World IA Day. Today, we’re introducing a past WIAD speaker and volunteer at World IA Day and now Regional Director, Latin America of World IA Day. Luis Alveart Guerrero has been a speaker twice and once as an organizer for WIAD Bogota in 2012 and 2013. He’s excited to be part of the global board to build the information architecture community.

Tell us about your journey to World IA Day

Information Architect was my first role when I decided to jump into the UX and Usability world 14 years ago. It allowed me to approach my projects from a different perspective and let me help to define more intuitive and friendly digital products. I have a Graphic Designer background, and I was always eager to find ways to be more relevant to the audience I designed for.

In that way, I discovered my real passion for understanding people’s needs and facilitating ways to connect companies with their customers.

Information Architecture also pushed me to be more organized in my job and personal life, being more methodical and empathetic.

Why and in what ways are you involved with World IA Day?

I participated as a speaker in 2012 and 2013. I wanted to spread the word about this topic and the relevance to involve our users in the ideation and definition of digital products. It was great to see that many people were interested in sharing their knowledge and growing the community.

I hope we can ignite more interest in IA and related topics regionally, and connect more advocates and enthusiasts worldwide to become more assertive professionals and get more support and visibility.

How did you learn about information architecture?

After reading a book about Digital Design and its chapter dedicated to Usability, I became obsessed and decided to include the concept in my undergraduate dissertation. That pushed me to research profoundly and found impressive professionals and companies working in that area.

Then I moved to another city to study a postgraduate program in Multimedia Design. I learned and applied different concepts that helped me perform better in my role as a Design Director at a software development company. Since then, I decided to specialize and go deeper until I became a User Experience Designer and Strategist.



Grace G Lau
World Information Architecture Association

Information architect / taxonomist / UX researcher-designer based in Greater Los Angeles, California