World Of Midgard 3D NFT MMORPG gameplay

World Of Midgard 3D NFT MMORPG
Published in
8 min readNov 26, 2021

World Of Midgard game is a classic 3D MMORPG based on Norse mythology.

The game has an epic backstory. In the Lore book players can read about the World of Midgard’s past, backdrop of the game races, how the warring factions came to be, the heroes of the past, the battles they fought, and more.

Click here to read World Of Midgard Lore >

World Of Midgard MMORPG is set in the full 3D huge game world with hundreds of quests, and features 64 solo & 5-man dungeons, PvP Area, 10x10 PvP capture the flag battleground, and 10 to 40 man raids.

In World Of Midgard (WoM) players can choose one of two opposite factions, the Alliance and the Fury, which are in constant conflict with each other.

Alliance races consist of Humans, Dwarfs, and Elves.

Fury races consist of Orcs, Dark Elves, and BloodDraks.

The Lore also explains how Dark Elves split from Elves and the animosity between them.

Game starts with the player choosing either PvE (player vs environment) or PvP (player vs player) server.

On a PvE server, the player can still elect to participate in duels between characters of the same factions, faction vs faction arenas, and battlegrounds, but he/she will not be randomly attacked in the open world unless the player turns his/her PvP flag to enjoy the thrill of random fights.

On a PvP server, except for starting areas for each faction, players can attack and be attacked by the opposite faction players any time in the open world.

After the player logs to the chosen server, they can pick the faction they like to play, either the Alliance or the Fury.

Then the player chooses the character’s race, gender and name.

Characters’ looks are customizable which is the final step before the character is created.

When all that is done, the player makes his/her most important choice, which is the class they want to play.

There are 7 character classes: Confessor, Fighter, Mage, Rogue, Templar, Necromancer with combat pets, and Ranger with combat pets.

All classes are well balanced, awesome to play, and already beta tested in dungeons, raids, and PvP.

Click here to read description of all the classes >

After players are all set with the server, faction, race, and the character choice, they start playing the game in the starting area, which differs depending on the faction the player chose.

The initial tutorial about the user interface, and then quests in the start area guide the player through the game mechanics, such as combat, looting, adding spells on action bar and on how to use them, learning new spells and upgrading existing ones, equipping gear, training with vendors, getting, fulfilling and completing ques, regenerating health & mana faster by eating & drinking, and much more.

The purpose of the initial starting area is to teach the player the gameplay and to level the character to level 5.

After starting, the player is sent to an open world where the next area is also pretty easy to play with mobs only returning the attack, instead of attacking characters themselves first.

There are great quest lines for players to enjoy and progress through the game.

When the player reaches level 16th, there is a solo instanced dungeon for the player to fulfill a quest inside and learn how to get in and out of dungeons.

A few levels after that instanced dungeon, the group dungeons will become available with an entry portal to specific dungeons allowing entry only to the characters within specific level ranges.

There are a total of 64 solo & 5-man dungeons in the game with all the group dungeons having bosses which can be defeated only by teams of players. Bosses drop great gear pieces and other loot.

On the general gameplay level players travel the huge game world, following quests, meeting a lot of people on the way and in the cities, making friends, teaming for dungeons, collecting loot, and participating in game economy by selling and buying 5500+ in-game items NFTs on in-game auction house marketplace.

There are a lot of adventures and battles that await players playing through the game and leveling up.

Game zones and game words are designed the way that when the player progresses through the game they offer increasing hard content, higher rewards, as well as stronger and bigger loot in dungeons.

Open world has a very rich variety of terrains, from wood, to desert, to badland, to jungle, to rocky mountains, to snowy mountains and more.

Every zone includes a variety of enemies like monsters, warring clans, skeletons, zombies, ghosts, etc

Except for bosses, the open world mobs drop a variety of loot from $WOMGOLD tokens, to items meant to be sold to vendors for $WOMGOLD, to lower gear score gear, to cooking ingredients.

Many animal mobs are skinnable.

The best loot with the biggest amount of $WOMGOLD tokens and higher score gear is on the bosses and mobs in the dungeons.

Quests lead the player through the entire content in every zone, so the player who is questing will see all the content.

There are occasional settlements where characters can repair gear, sell loot, and buy stuff they need to keep going.

There are also 2 cities booming with crowds where players can learn or upgrade spells,master their crafting skills, craft, and visit a wide variety of merchants.

World of Midgard features tribe systems.

There are 8 levels of friendliness players have with tribes inhibiting the game world.

From tribe members hating the player and attacking on site, to becoming a hero of the tribe, and 6 more levels between.

Depending on the reputation level the player can gain access to various goods sold by tribe merchants, including a tribe’s specific boost to armor not obtainable any other way, and tribe’s crafting recipes.

Tribes in Word Of Midgard are in contrast conflict with each other, so when the player gains reputation with one tribe, he/she loses reputation with another tribe twice as fast.

It means that the player must make conscious choices with which tribes his/her character will have good standing.

There are numerous quests related to reputation. Killing a tribe’s enemies increases the reputation with this tribe.

Because of great rewards, the so-called reputation grind in World Of Midgard Classic was very popular.

There is a very advanced extensive crafting system, where players can create all types of weapons and armor, potions, battle elixirs, gear stat boosters, and much more.

There are cloth, leather, and mail/plate armor all made with different professions and relying on other professions to provide materials.

There is also a profession which magically disables existing armors/weapons to ingredients used to boost starts of other armors/weapons.

Players can also mine, skin, gather ingredients for potions/elixirs, fish, and even cook health regeneration and temporary stats boosting food.

This is a really incredibly advanced system with both recipes trainable from trainers, and recipes which can only be looted.

For example, top armor/weapon/top stats boost recipes can only be looted in raid dungeons.

There are even fishing competitions which some casual players love to participate in.

It can take casual players months before their characters reach the higher level in the game, and that is just the beginning of the entire endgame play.

Leveling professions with all required ingredients also takes a great amount of time.

The end game play takes players through the hardest 5-man dungeons. When the players collect enough high score gear, they are allowed to enter a portal to raid dungeons designed for players from 10 to 40 character groups.

The more difficult and higher level the raid dungeon, the higher minimum gear score it requires for the player to enter.

The best loot in the game including a higher amount of $WOMGOLD token is in raid dungeons.

There are also raid bosses spread in the secluded parts of the open world designed for max level geared players, and they can be defeated only by raids groups of various sizes.

Characters can play the same 5-man dungeon only once per day, the specific raids only once per week, and open worlds bosses have from a day to several days respawn timer set.

Because big raids require coordination of a large number of skilled players, all with the high gear score and with potions ready, it can take casual players well over a year to acquire all the great from initially released raids.

Raids will be released over time and collecting all the new top gear for characters can take months for each new raid released.

Endgame also features a daily quest by fulfilling which player gets $WOMGOLD tokens.

It is safe to say that for a casual player it could take 2 years of gameplay from the time the game is released to acquire all the gear for just 1 character from all the raids due to them being released over time.

The game is designed the way that initial release will be with level 60 being a max level with 2 expansions for increasing max level to 70 and then to 80.

There are 3 entire endgame cycles already designed for level 60, 70, and 80 games.

For every expansion the players would need to form the entire endgame cycle again.

It is safe to say that the game on the release will be ready with years of content for casual players.

In World Of Midgard guilds are an integral part of the game.

While leveling and ad hoc grouping for 5-man dungeons is pretty easy for players outside the guild, for end game raids the players would prefer to be a part of the guild since those big raids do require coordination both related to time and the raids’ set up.

The guild’s role is crucial in speeding up leveling progress, finding teams for dungeons, and of course is critical in grouping for endgame raids.

On PvP servers it also means protection from the opposite faction and access to dungeons which can be blocked by enemy combatants camping at the entrance.

In World of Midgard, players will be able to create their own guilds and set their own rules.

Guild system in WoM is very advanced.

Click here to read detailed description of World Of Midgard guilds >

Outside of gameplay itself, in World Of Midgard Classic, the players loved to socialize on many levels, and they will do the same in World Of Midgard Reborn NFT game as well.

Being it trade chat for snarky talk, zone chat for teaming, close proximity chat for anything, focused chat of the dungeon group, strategic chat of the raid group, or cozy guild chat.

Main chats have separate font colors helping players to quickly recognize which chat message belongs to which channel the player is subscribed to.

For example the proximity, world zone & trade chats are white, the dungeon team chat is blue, the guild chat is green, the raid chat is dark orange, and the text of somebody shouting in the chat is shown in red.

You can find a detailed description of the social chat system using the same link as posted above for information about the guilds.

The bottom line is that with so many choices, the different ways to play the game, and massive social metaverse bonding, players always have something to do in the game.

