Meet the new Worldopo mobile game update!

1 min readSep 21, 2018


Dear community,
Worldopo team is glad to share the latest amazing news with you!

Finally, the new version of Worldopo was approved by Apple / Google and will be available for downloading in next several hours.

What’s new? Patch-notes Version 2.0 for iOS и Android:

  • New game design
  • Purchase of hexes
  • Construction of mining farms on the map
  • Collection of gems from mining farms on the map
  • Catching gems on the map
  • Purchasing buildings blueprints
  • Decoration of hexagons, purchase of paints for hexes
  • Sale of old farms

In order to switch app to the new version we have to stop the server for the next few hours.

We will do our best to make migration possible without any problems, but since we were in a hurry there may be some difficulties, so we apologize and thank you all for understanding.

During the evening our developers and testers will be available for support in our Telegram channels, they will register bugs/errors and will try to answer all your questions.

Within the next few days, we will add functionality and fix mistakes with Hot Fixes.

Thank you once again for your patience and congratulations to all of us on this great day!

