We Didn’t Dodge a Bullet…

… but a tactical missile

Joss Calvin
4 min readAug 9, 2022


Photo by Drew Angerer on GettyImages

During the post-covid crisis, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine and a dash of corporate shenanigans too, the Democrats are coming up with some initiative to counter it. Whether they are working or not, whether they are radical enough, too little or too much, whether you agree with them or not, we can all at least agree on one point: at least they are doing something.

The same cannot be said about the rival party, the Republicans, who, at the moment, are probably too busy trying to cover up all the misdeeds of the past two years, after our dear orange friend decided to exit the scene as a polemical and all-time controversial bamboozler (and thankfully he disappeared from the political scene after that, although he threatens an encore for 2024).

And what do they have to cover, you may ask?

Well, you wouldn’t think that the Republican Party, after it called the Democratic Party “authoritarian” because it threatened to at least limit shooting random people in the streets American-style, wouldn’t jump into a world of voter fraud and election rigging, right?

And so there are enough episodes of this to write a book collection as big as the Bible (it wouldn’t be a bad idea, just saying…), with some hilarious ones, such as Trump flushing documents down the White House’s toilet, which also explains his obsession with toilets.

I had to link the sources to prove I am not making it up. At the time, Trump insisted the story was “fake” and “made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book.” Later he called Haberman a “maggot”. Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich told:

“There’s enough people willing to fabricate stories like this in order to impress the media class — a media class who is willing to run with anything, as long as it anti-Trump”

And, to be fair, if we ignore the photos, Trump’s unmistakable signature which can be seen on them, and the fact that those documents were not supposed to be available to the public, then there is no proof the scene was not staged. I think we can get over all those useless evidence, can we?

So that was the funniest episode, but there are many others. For example, Michigan officials were discovered detailing a bold voting machine scheme made by Trump supporters. According to the New York Times, the documents show deception of election officials and a breach of voting equipment for brazen attempts by former Trump’s supporters to scrutinize and undermine the 2020 results. Just so you know, this is meddling, it isn’t allowed.

Image of dying democracy
Photo by Global Times

These are only two of those small occurrences which reveal a massive scheme supported by former president Trump to rig the 2020 election. The Republican Party tried to kill American democracy and failed, but they will try that again.

And again. And again.

Until they either are stopped or succeed

It’s no accident that those are the results that come up when you Google something as simple as “republicans democracy” Try it yourself.

But they didn’t win yet. That’s the bullet we dodged I was talking about. They are still a danger for our democracy, but they are giving us time for the next time they will inevitably try to corrupt once again American democracy.

Democrats are not saints themselves, they also have their faults, but I don’t recall any news article talking about how they corrupted officials, hid information or endorsing their violent and anti-democratic “fan-made” militia.

All the aforementioned tactics are widely used in dictatorships or unstable democracy next to become one.

So, what do I think about this? Is American democracy going to die soon?

Relatively. You see, Republicans are not exactly like Nazis. The latter wanted to establish a dictatorship immediately, and so they did, establishing it in only 15 years. The former do not necessarily want a dictatorship, but they want a corrupt regime in their favor, where they can swim in immunity and enrich themselves and their lobbyist friends without consequences or strong opposition. But above all, the Republicans’ is a long-term plan; slow and steady wins the race.

There will be more Trump, more episodes like Jan. 6 and more problems to our democracy unless we stop voting for them and give them the power they need to escape justice.

Voters need to stop following the thinking of politicians who will never represent them and start thinking in their own interests, not party interests. Those who vote have the upper hand, they just need to understand this.

We dodged it once, we may not dodge it again.

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Joss Calvin

I am an american citizen 🇺🇸 with eritrean ancestry 🇪🇷. I write about politics, and the laughableness around them. https://twitter.com/CalvinJoss