World Peace Now introduces NoPlasticApp

Daniel Harris
World Peace Now
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2018

Plastic pollution is reaching alarming levels on our planet. We’re building NoPlasticApp to enable ordinary people to play a big part in reversing this catastrophe. NoPlasticApp will enable ordinary shoppers to open personal and direct dialogue with manufacturers and retailers. Using barcode scanning technology we will be able lovingly tell the makers and stockists of specific products why we are not buying it anymore.

Your voice will join many others, building a direct, collective force massively increasing pressure on retailers and manufacturers to solve plastic pollution.

If you are excited by the possibilities of this groundbreaking project then please donate at Open Collective and share this video, so we can make this happen. If you want to become a major funder then please do get in touch.

NoPlasticApp is hosted by nonprofit ethical incubator, World Peace Now. We are building practical tools to empower individuals and support living more lovingly on our planet. NoPlasticApp is our contribution to Peace Day on September 21 and the United Nations’ Global Goals.

Thanks for time! Get in touch!

#peaceday #goal17 #globalgoals #goal11 #goal12 #goal14 #goal15 #goal16 #ecofriendly #plasticfree #zerowaste #plasticpollution #plastic #noplastic #endsingleuseplastic #worldpeacenow #opencollective #noplasticapp #peace

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Daniel Harris
World Peace Now

artist entrepreneur interoperate autonomy protocol media @kendraio peace @worldpeacenowo share @freewheelers manifest @livingourdreams singer @patientpacifist