Forma: Reaching General Availability

Covalent Media
4 min readJun 27, 2019

Since February we opened up the BETA access for Forma. Tens of companies have tried it and provided invaluable feedback. Now, we are about to reach General Availability in less than 2 weeks.

We love transparency, so we are sharing here some statistics on how people are leveraging Forma for their projects.

Developer environments are the fastest and least expensive way to start, $150/mo gives you a fully managed infrastructure for two organizations. You can use it as a Testing or Integration environment to avoid surprises when going from development to production.

Production/Pilot and Prototype/Demo environments are the most used today. Pilots include deploying in real setups and joining participants, while a Prototype doesn’t necessarily include real customers and is more for demo or sales purposes.

USA, Europe, and India are the biggest interested in creating easy Hyperledger Fabric networks.

Want to read more about Forma? Read more.

Regarding industries, there are companies from financial services to healthcare technology providers to logistics and IoT companies. Also, governments and academic institutions have shown interest.

Where are they running? Most licenses start in our fully managed developer account ($150/mo) and then decide to move to their own clusters. On remote clusters, Google Cloud Cloud leads the adoption along IBM Cloud.

Are you interested in starting a Trial? Sign up here to get access!

Why are companies choosing Forma?


With Forma, you start in literally 5 minutes. Then, you can automatically create channels, install smart contracts, or create service accounts in minutes too.


You can create a network with infrastructure from IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Digital Ocean, and bare-metal Kubernetes.

This means that each member chooses where to run their components and Forma connects them. Then each task is automatically deployed, no need for scripts or any complicated matter.

No lock-in

Forma decouples the computing layer from the blockchain layer. This means that if you start for example with a cluster on IBM Cloud you can eventually move away from then. This also means that unlike Blockchain as a Service that abstracts and limits access to what infrastructure components you can access, Forma connects remotely to your own clusters achieving data confidentiality.

It’s your own Kubernetes cluster, for real.


Every task runs automatically. After setting up your cluster, you never have to run scripts, install things manually, or look for a way to coordinate all the members. Apart from that, Forma also monitors and self-repairs components for you, meaning that even if a peer goes down, it will be brought back to live without action on your side.

Forma is as easy as it gets. A few clicks and you are good to go.

Forma is the happy middle between DIY and giving all your control away to a cloud provider.

These features, we believe, are key because if you can blindly trust other parties to have all your infrastructure and centralize it for the whole network, then a blockchain is not what you need.

Are you interested in starting a Trial? Sign up here to get access!

If you’d like to know how Forma compares to the top cloud providers, check this comparison table!

About Forma: Forma is multi-cloud blockchain infrastructure automation platform. This means that it allows you to deploy your blockchain components in a decentralized and distributed manner in multi-cloud setups. Unlike the Blockchain as a Service offerings from cloud providers, we provide no lock-in by decoupling the computing and blockchain layers. It’s the best of both worlds: easy but no lock-in and multi-cloud, you have control over the infrastructure but never have to deal with the infrastructure complexities.

Forma supports already:

  • Hyperledger Fabric 1.4
  • IBM Cloud.
  • Microsoft Azure.
  • Google Cloud Platform.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Digital Ocean.
  • Bare-metal Kubernetes.



Covalent Media

The Enterprise Blockchain Development Platform​. A unified development platform to create and deploy enterprise smart contract systems.