Being sick on a long trip

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2 min readMar 24, 2017

As I write this post, N is lying in bed with an upset stomach and light fever. He had to go to the toilet several times during the night. He completely lost his appetite and we’re basically grounded as he cannot go outside in this state. Here is Agra, India.

This is happening while M is recovering from her illness. She had flu like symptoms and was lying in bed, sleeping for most of yesterday and the day before though we did manage to go and see the Taj Mahal in morning.

But wait, the chain of sicknesses is not over yet! D was sick just 2 days before — she woke up on our last day in Varanasi, weak and with no appetite, just as the weather turned hot (37c) while we needed to check out from the guesthouse and head to the train station for a night ride to Agra. Luckily, she withstood the transition bravely and within 24 hours of resting she is now on her feet again.

As we enter our 6th month of our world tour, I can admit we didn’t get sick too often, and usually a light fever or an upset stomach pass after a day or two.

As a general rule, we do not take medicine immediately, neither us nor the children — if after a day or so the condition is the sane or getting worse, then we seek professional help and start looking at medicines we have or need to buy, but so far, we managed to dodge this bullet and, hearing and reading fellow travelers stories, we consider ourselves lucky.

