Worm Regards #5: Coffee for Your Thoughts

Celebrity Memoir Book Club
Celebrity Memoir Book Club
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4 min readAug 12, 2022

It’s Friday morning, I’m two coffees deep, and I don’t actually think these things are really working anymore. I know I’ll regret saying this in approx 3 months but I miss hot coffee season? I just feel like the caffeine hits better and to be honest that’s the only reason I don’t understand year round iced coffee drinkers. Do they not want to be caffeinated? Anyway, here are some loose ramblings from my week.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of horrible, irreversible effects of child stardom, one of them being the achievement of “everyone else’s dream.” Fame and generally being known are glorified for so many reasons both warranted and not. Of course getting to do cool shit, get free things, and potentially make buttloads of money are sick as hell but the lack of privacy, expectation, etc. takes a dangerous toll and we’ve witnessed the crash & burn so often, yet as a society the overall belief is that the pros outweigh the cons.

It’s why we see child stars who never got the chance to decide what they want grapple at relevancy, reality stars who’s first tastes of fame lead them to do absolutely insane things to stay in the spotlight, and why we see influencers constantly recycling “proven” tricks to continue to “grow their platform.” For all of them at a certain point it’s not about creating something cool or following their passion it’s about growth and maintaining their foothold in the spotlight.

I think that’s why I’m so fascinated by the people who walk away. This week I watched a documentary on Sheryl Crow and while she hasn’t disappeared, she was everywhere and now she’s just making what she wants to make, and touring when she wants to tour. Jennette was on par with some of today’s biggest celebrities and the decision to step off the gas and figure out what she actually wanted takes more courage than I think we realize, despite knowing intellectually that it’s the smartest and frankly healthiest choice. There are so many things to get out of her book and I really hope that aside from the change that needs to happen in the industry, there’s a change that happens within people to look at what they actually want to make and not what they should achieve based on what society thinks.

Oldies are Still the Besties

I wish I could watch new movies but I just don’t have it in me. I see ads and posts about movies all the time and I’ll think oh I absolutely want to watch that, but whenever I finally schedule a flop onto the couch and watch movies night I feel like I simply cannot take the risk on something unknown. If I knew a movie would make me feel exactly like another movie I like maybe it would be worth it but to spend two hours watching something brand new only to realize that the vibe wasn’t Oceans 11 at all? No thank you.

Part of me thinks this just means I’m old. No movies can compare to the movies of my hey day so why bother? Another part of me just thinks I have an untouchable respect for the classics. Finally, one of my core and most controversial beliefs is that all movies should be fun and have a happy ending. They’re entertainment and to walk away in a fresh new existential crisis isn’t exactly what I’m after, so it’s possible that my hatred of new things is not knowing how they end? Whatever I’m watching Clueless tonight.

Take My Worm For It

This week I had three hours to kill in the Minnesota airport early in the morning. The coffee choices were quite frankly, plentiful and after spending 45 minutes weighing the options, I decided that this being vacation, I’d go with the option I can’t find in NYC and ordered a Caribou Coffee. Let me tell you- I can’t recommend it enough. My high school Caribou Coffee memories came rushing back, it’s an absolutely superior coffee chain second only to probably Peet’s Coffee & Tea. If you’re in the vicinity of a Caribou I highly recommend.

Next up, I recently snagged these clogs on sale and now I’m counting down the minutes until Fall when I officially make my debut as a clog girl. So far walking around my apartment they’re extremely comfy and beautiful.


