Worm Regards #7: Take a Walk

Celebrity Memoir Book Club
Celebrity Memoir Book Club
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3 min readSep 6, 2022

Hello and happy long weekend to all those out there having a longer than average weekend. Sorry this is late but once again, time is hardly real so if you just act like it’s Friday afternoon right now we can start the weekend all over again.

Wake me up at Midnight

Goddamn Taylor that Swift bitch. To be quite honest with you, I’ve been feeling apathetic towards all things Taylor Swift. I’d been muting Taylor Swift accounts that spent their time between announcements grasping at straws for easter eggs to analyze and while I still loved her music, it was all too much. I thought maybe a part of growing up was letting go of the tiny stan inside of me.

When her next album, Midnights, was announced, I felt literally nothing. The group chats that I would have blown up in the past stood silent and I carried on with my day. But the burn was slow. I don’t know what struck me but all of a sudden I’m frothing at the mouth for the detective swifties to bring me more clues. I thought I’d found wisdom and clarity but maybe I had a stomach ache or something. No one is perfect and while I think distance is good in any relationship, real or imaginary, I’d like to hereby announce that I’m really friggin excited for this stupid ass album.

Care for a Tour?

I don’t know if anyone else has this same problem of lazing around when you have a weekend at home and burning yourself out when it’s time to travel but if this doesn’t apply feel free to skip ahead. I’ve come to the realization that I may not like travel. Airports are hell, packing is stressful, the only good part is seeing new places but if you live in a city, chances are there are places you haven’t seen extremely nearby.

I was in Seattle this past weekend and the best activity I scheduled was a DIY walking tour of Seattle coffee shops. As more of an aimless wanderer, having destinations and distance planned ahead added a sort of structure to the event that made it feel extremely activity-like but not too touristy because I’d made it up myself. I realized that all the places I longingly bike past and have randomly heard of in New York could be the perfect DIY walking tour experience. I think creating an itinerary of sorts is what it’ll take to finally get me to explore the city I already live in and I wanted to share just in case anyone else was looking for a nice activity before the weather gets all crummy again.

Take My Worm For It

Something to watch: One of my favorite podcasts for years was a British news and pop culture podcast called The High Low Show so I can’t believe how long it took me to read co-host Dolly Alderton’s book Everything I Know About Love. When I finally got around to it, it was completely worth the hype. Now, it’s a TV show and I’m fully certain that no one who reviewed it really understood it. It’s not high art but it’s 100% for the girls. I don’t think I’ve ever seen media portray female friendship like this so if you need something to binge this week, Everything I Know About Love is it.

Something eat: I just got really into pierogies again. Fall is on its way and the timing couldn’t be better.

Another tip: You know I love fun colored nails. This weekend my mom spent the entire weekend calling mine barf nails but every time I wave my arms around while blabbing about something they put me in a good mood so go a little crazy with some nail color, trust me.

