“Faith Without Works is Dead”

Worship While We Wait
2 min readDec 11, 2016

By our Worship and Win Sweepstakes winner: Pastor Darrell C. Alder II

So often we miss out on the blessings God has for us. The Bible says, “Every good and perfect gift comes from the father of lights.” (James 1:17). Even though God has given us so much, why then do we go after so little? Is it a lack of trust, a lack of appreciation, or a lack of faith? So often we sit around saying,” I wish I had this, I wish I had that,” but what does the Bible say about our “this”?

In the Bible, the book of James 2:14–26 says, “faith without works is dead.” So if there’s an area of your life when you’re wishing for something but it’s not happening, have you been working for it? In order to receive some of God’s blessings, we have to be in the right position. In other words, we must be obedient to what He says in order to receive them. Sometimes in order to be in the right position, you have to move. When you move, it must be in obedience which is according to his will. Like this blog; when I saw the instructions given by the sponsor, I responded in faith and obedience. By doing what was instructed, I put myself in position to receive the blessing that comes from God which is the Kindle. I may or may not win the Kindle, but how many of us would desire that blessing, yet we are afraid to walk out by faith? Often we wait for God to provide an opportunity for us, but when He provides, will you step out and receive them?

Abraham obeyed God by going to the land He told him to go to and as a result he received the promise of God (Genesis 12). Before he even knew where he was to go, God simply told him to go. When God tells you to do something, will you move by faith or will you sit still? Don’t miss out on your blessing. You can be waiting on God, but all along He might be waiting on you.

