Only You Can Build A System That Works For You

The temptation is to hire out everything you’re not an expert in. That’s a mistake.

Noe Khalfa
Worth The Journey Blog
1 min readJan 31, 2018


You are unique.

That’s a great thing!

But, it also means that, whether a website, social media presence, financial system, or productivity system, making them work for you is going to need personal attention. No one learns or perceives the same way.

You can for sure learn a ton from other people about tips, tricks, and great tools. You can also learn about things to avoid and get tons of inspiration.

And you can get someone to build the infrastructure of a system for you.

But when it comes down to it, ultimately it’s got to be you who makes the system work. You have to learn the essentials.

It can be hard to realize no one will swoop in and save us, and that we need to start learning the hard things for ourselves. But it will make a huge difference in your confidence and self-reliance, and frankly save you tons of money, effort, and time to learn and customize systems to you.

Originally published at on January 31, 2018.



Noe Khalfa
Worth The Journey Blog

As CEO of Worth The Journey, Noé is on a mission to teach business skills to people with zero business background and elevate heart-centered businesses.