The Thing That Pulls You First

Learning to pay more attention to the first intuitive hit you get.

Noe Khalfa
Worth The Journey Blog
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


Sometimes you have to do the thing you don’t want to do.

Often actually.

But, there’s a secret.

There is a way to slowly shift your life toward doing a majority of things you’re excited by, intrigued by, or simply love to do.

It’s not by ignoring the hard things, that’s impossible and they’ll only come back larger the next time they show up.

It’s not about positive mantras or positive thinking either.

It’s an invisible practice. A practice of slipping into an awake, slightly meditative, energetic state.

In this state we find that our inner guidance literally pulls us in the direction we should go next.

And that pull is exciting, intriguing, and full of love.

And that way no matter what we do, hard or easy, playful or serious, it becomes exciting, intriguing, and full of love in a no b.s. kind of way.

It’s strange to shift from caring about what we do to caring about whether we’re following the inner pull or not.

But this secret has been dawning on me slowly and I see the tremendous value of being able to show up in nearly any situation with a calm state of wakefulness.

My suspicion? We were made to follow the pull that’s always there deep down. But that’s just me.

Originally published at on February 4, 2018.



Noe Khalfa
Worth The Journey Blog

As CEO of Worth The Journey, Noé is on a mission to teach business skills to people with zero business background and elevate heart-centered businesses.