Apple Braces for post-iPhone Revenue with Streaming and News+

Mary Drumond
Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2019

On today’s much awaited live-stream event, Apple has unveiled its new subscription services as a way to maintain growth despite falling iPhone sales.

In its newest “news-friendly” era, Apple is offering bundled magazine and newspaper service called News+ as well as subscription-based streaming service for Apple TV .

Apple CEO Tim Cook is quoted saying “News literacy is vital to sustaining a free press and thriving democracy, and we are proud to be collaborating with organizations on the front lines of this effort”.

For its “Netflix Killer”, TechCrunch reports that Apple already has a long list of high-budget productions in development, but that it is uncertain whether the content will be available for free for device users, or whether there will also be an additional fee attatched to the platform.

