The new TikTok: Instagram’s focus shift

Itzell Ramirez-Lopez
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2021
Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

One of the largest social media platforms of our time is getting a massive makeover and users aren’t happy about it. We all know Instagram primarily as a place to share photos. We post photos from our personal lives, work lives, and hobbies. There’s an audience for anything and everything. And just like TikTok, Instagram has its fair share of influencers.

It sounds like Instagram has it all. So why the need to make any changes to their already successful business strategy? We’ve said it before: if a brand wants to stay relevant; they need to keep up with the speed of change. For Instagram, that means moving from photo content to video content. This is a strategy to become more competitive with another massive social platform, TikTok.

The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said; “we’re no longer a photo-sharing app.” This did not sit well with many users. Users automatically assumed that Instagram would just turn into another TikTok. Pointing out that Instagram has become so successful because of photos. Mosseri and many others later clarified that photos will still be a big part of the app, they will just be focusing a lot more on video content.

So it looks like users will get the best of both worlds in one app: photos and videos. Although this is exciting news for Instagram, many users are still not convinced. Throughout the past year, the algorithm has only made it harder for solely photo content creators to be noticed. Now you can’t be big on Instagram without having photo AND video content on your page. This has huge repercussions for more traditional influencers on the platform.

Is Instagram headed in the right direction? Or could we start to see long-time users and influencers leave the app for something else? Time will only tell if this was the right move for Instagram.

Customer Decision Intelligence

With Instagram’s new business strategy already in motion, it does bring up the question: Is this what customers want and expect? Will Instagram be meeting its users’ expectations with these new changes. The key to beating out the competition is to understand what matters most to the current Instagram users. What would make them pick Instagram over TikTok? Instagram may want to head in a different direction, but if it does not deliver on what consumers want, then we could be seeing the end of Instagram.

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Itzell Ramirez-Lopez
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Itzell Ramirez-Lopez is the social media assistant at Worthix. She recently graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in Marketing.