Twitter gets into subscriptions with Twitter Blue

Hannah Michelle Lambert
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Twitter users have been asking for an edit button for years, and now they’re finally getting it… kind of. Twitter Blue is Twitter’s new subscription service that will allow paying users to have access to more advanced features. In Twitter’s own words, they are giving “people who use Twitter the most” opportunities to “take their experience on Twitter to the next level.”

Twitter blue will include the following features:

  • Undo tweet. This is the closest we’ll get to edit tweets for now. This gives users up to 30 seconds after sending a tweet to undo that action and correct typos, untag someone, etc.
  • Bookmark folders. This is to help organize saved tweets into categories — such as recipes, memes, wish list, etc.
  • Reader mode. This feature is meant to give users an easier format to read through threads.
  • Plus other perks like custom app icons, exclusive color themes, and dedicated customer support for subscribers.

You know how people always say, “how is that app free?” Well…

Users in Canada have access to this subscription service now for $3.49 CAD/month, and Australian users have access for $4.49 AUD/month. These are the only two countries they’re testing it in now, so it’s yet to be determined when/if it will be made available elsewhere.

Twitter makes it clear that Twitter Blue will not become the default ever. There will always be a free option available to users.

Listen to Robbie Kellman Baxter talk subscription model best practices on the Voices of CX Podcast

Does the subscription model make sense for Twitter Blue?

Subscription models are all the rage nowadays. Everyone seems to be launching a subscription option (whether it actually makes sense for them or not). So how does Twitter blue read on the makes-sense-o-meter?

Users are torn. Some are a little peeved that a feature that everyone’s been asking for — edit tweet — should be made available to everyone and not locked behind a paywall. If Twitter is going to make paid updates that is going to improve the overall user experience, does that mean that they are going to stop innovating the free experience?

Others, however, are excited for the upgraded features. And they are willing to pay the price since the cost is so low.

The trick to subscription models is finding the line between a fulfilling free experience and a clearly upgraded paid experience that seems obviously worth the cost. Twitter is just now dipping their toe into the paid model, so some growing pains are going to be natural. And if any users are going to be vocal about their feedback, it’s Twitter users. But Twitter just needs to make sure that they use this feedback to adapt their future moves to be in line with what makes using Twitter — both free and paid — worth it to their customers.

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