What Everybody Needs to Know About Surveying Customers

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2 min readMar 13, 2018

Repeat after me. Surveys are the glue between companies and customers. It’s true.

If you’re not doing it and doing it right, your company is at risk of losing customers.

Surveying is the only way into the minds and hearts of your customers.

In this blog, I’ll share why you must survey so you’ll know what matters most to your customers and where your company should invest its time, money, and efforts.

The reasons you should survey are an essential part of business.

1) You must know if your company is delivering the right customer experience.

If you know what your customers need more or less of, it guides your company’s future investments. It’s not just about delivering an experience. It’s about delivering an experience that meets your customers’ needs.

2) It’s a good conformity check.

Customer surveys are deployed right after a purchase to be sure your company delivered what was promised to the customer as planned. If any hiccups occurred at any given point along the customer journey, you’ll want to know about it asap.

3) It keeps you aware of your customers’ constantly changing expectations.

Remember when Amazon first introduced guaranteed two-day shipping? Suddenly, the 4 to 6 day shipping offer lost its luster. Customers became aware that there was a faster way to get their products. The expectation in the market shifted. Customers jump ship for the latest and greatest.

Walmart is turning up the heat on Amazon by offering free same-day shipping. If your customers have changed what they expect, you need to know about it.

4) It tells you the temperature of your customers.

Knowing how your customers feel is necessary. NPS and CSAT were created for this purpose. It keeps you up to speed on how they see your company, encourages great communication between company and customer, and the insight is said to help enhance customer loyalty.

5) You can identify why your customers make decisions.

This is a big deal because for years companies couldn’t pinpoint why customers buy. Now you can know whether your customers feel your offer is the most worth it alternative on the market. It also leads you to the money flow. Money always follows customer decisions.


Customers are the lifeblood of every company. Getting inside their heads and gathering actionable data by surveying will help your company thrive in the customer experience economy. You can’t afford to skip this process.

Don’t forget to study your data. Share what you’ve learned with your team. And always follow up with your customers. Never leave them hanging.

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Originally published at blog.worthix.com.



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