Interacting With Content Creators Using Worthyt Ask

Worthyt Ask is a new feature we’ve just released to get you in front of your favorite Creators and ask them everything you’ve wanted to know about them.

5 min readJul 23, 2018


Today, we’re introducing Worthyt Ask, a new, powerful feature that encourages greater engagement between content creators and their fans. Services that encourage this engagement exist in limited ways on the Internet right now, such as YouTube SuperChats and Twitch Cheers, but their use is restricted primarily to live stream sessions. Worthyt Ask brings this fun interaction to a bigger playing field, offering more opportunities for engagement and also a few additional perks.

In a nutshell, Worthyt Ask is a platform where users can ask specific Content Creators questions with a monetary value attached. The questions can be marked a public or private. Public questions and responses will eventually show up for anyone to see, and are a great way for fans to essentially become the interviewer to learn more about the Content Creator. Private questions and the responses will only remain between the asker and the Content Creator. For example, I might ask a public question for a pianist on YouTube:

What inspired you to get into piano, and how did you maintain the motivation to get to where you are today?

From that point, the Content Creator has three days to respond to the question. Once they do, they will also receive the dollar value attached; if they don’t answer within three days, the amount will be refunded back to the asker and the question will expire.

We built this tool to encourage more engagement between fans and Creators, while also giving fans a more valuable opportunity in supporting their favorite Creators and learn more about them at the same time. Through interviews with various Content Creators on YouTube, Instagram, Medium, and other platforms, we hear the same thing over and over again: Content Creators want to interact with fans, but at some point it becomes hard to juggle interaction with their day jobs, busy lives, and time dedicated to creating content. By linking together fan support with this interaction, we hope to create a much better experience for both the fans and Creators when it comes to interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use Worthyt Ask, rather than just post in the comments section?

Worthyt Ask doesn’t change any experience that you currently may have; if you would rather post in the comments section, you certainly can. Worthyt Ask is an experience tailored for Content Creators and fans. It allows fans to support Content Creators while also getting an opportunity to interact with and learn more about them. By offering the support, Creators also have more flexibility in communicating with fans when their inboxes start filling up.

How do I ask a question to a Content Creator with Worthyt Ask?

You can ask a question in two ways. First, you can ask directly on the website that you’re viewing by getting the Worthyt Chrome Extension. If the Creator has enabled Worthyt Ask to accept questions, all of their content will have the Ask buttons next to it. You can also Ask directly on the Creator’s Creator Page. A Content Creator can create a page and direct his or her fans to it to send Appreciations or Ask.

What can I ask with a Worthyt Ask?

You’re welcome to ask any question you’d like. Keep in mind that the Content Creator can choose not to respond if they don’t want to; in that case, they money is returned to you after a three-day period. All questions can be marked as either Public or Private. For Private Asks, we keep the question and answer between the people asking and responding.

For Public Asks, we will be publishing the questions and responses on the Creator Page. The publishing will be implemented in one of our near-future feature releases, and the goal is to give fans and other visitors a great resource for learning about the Content Creator and getting more out of their experiences, knowledge, or personality. Think of it like a crowd-sourced interview, with questions stemming out of curiosity from genuine fans.

What if the Content Creator doesn’t respond?

For every question you ask, you also send a Support amount to it, similar to Appreciations. We notify the Content Creator immediately by email. From that point, the Content Creator has three days to respond to your question. If the Content Creator doesn’t respond to your question within those three days, you’ll get that amount back.

What if the Creator I want to ask a question to doesn’t have Worthyt Ask?

We encourage you to ask them to sign up! We are reaching out to Creators on a daily basis, and we could always use your help to our name out there. By using Worthyt Ask, Creators can justify spending more time responding to fans, and fans can support Creators!

How can I pay or get paid through Worthyt Ask?

We use PayPal to facilitate each transaction for Worthyt Ask. While Worthyt Appreciations let users also use cryptocurrency, Worthyt Ask currently only accepts PayPal, although we do intend to enable cryptocurrency functionality in the future. The Asker can use a debit card, credit card, or PayPal account to credit his or her account and pay for a question. To receive payment, a Content Creator should have a PayPal account that payments can be sent to.

How much does Worthyt take?

For each Ask, the Content Creator takes 85%. The remainder goes to transaction fees (usually around 5–10%) and powering Worthyt. In the future, when we add transactions for cryptocurrency, 95% will go to the Content Creator, and the rest goes to Worthyt.

Have any additional questions?

You can always reach out to us on Twitter ( or email us at

If you have a specific question for me or just want to try out the Ask system, you can see my profile at

