Create audit trails with sudoreplay

Viktor Petersson
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2020

sudo is a tool used by most Linux/UNIX users on a daily basis to escalate permission. If you're like me, you likely though that the features in sudo were "done" and final, just like you don't monitor the the changelog for new features in tar (or at least I'm not).

This is why I was so surprised when I saw Peter Czanik’s talk What you most likely did not know about sudo… at FOSDEM ’20. In the talk, Peter showed the new features in sudo 1.8, including the new sudoreplay feature. (Peter, if you're reading this, I'm still waiting for my sudo stickers :).

So what’s sudoreplay and how can it help create an audit trail? Assuming you're using a distribution with sudo 1.8 or later (such as Ubuntu 18.04), you will already have sudoreplay installed. All you need is to configure it.

To do so, edit /etc/sudoers by running sudo visudo and append the following two lines:

With this done, you should be set. You can now verify that everything worked by first running a command with sudo (e.g. sudo ls), and then retrieve it from the audit trail using sudoreplay:

That’s it! You know have an audit trail.

Do however note that if you have not locked down your /etc/sudoers file properly (e.g. if a user can run sudo - or sudo rm [...]), it is possible for a user to wipe the audit trail by simply deleting /var/log/sudo-io. As such, you should not rely on this as your audit trail. To protect against this, it you should setup remote logging, such that your servers ship logs directly to a remote target (using rsyslog/syslog-ng or similar) in order to have untampered logs.


And while you’re here…

Did you know that WoTT gives you free security audits, including CVE scanning, for your first node? Sign up today.

Originally published at



Viktor Petersson

CEO and Co-founder of @WireLoad / @ScreenlyApp. #DigitalNomad #Entrepreneur #Speaker #Geek #Cloud #DevOps