Christmas Traditions from Around the World

Loom International
Woven Members
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2017

December is here, which means the Christmas celebrations can begin in full force. This year we asked our staff to each share one of their favorite holiday traditions with you from their lives all over the world.

Janna Moats

Grew up in: Central California

Favorite Christmas Tradition

I have 2 favorite traditions — both around food. We always make Korabia, a butter cookie from Turkey to have on the night we decorate the tree. The other tradition is Swedish Cardamom Wreath, a bread we have on Christmas morning.

Colleen Milstein

Grew up in: South Africa

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Opening Christmas crackers and wearing the Christmas hats inside.

Hanna Lederer

Grew up in: Germany

Favorite Christmas Tradition

In Germany the Christmas tree isn’t set up until the day of Christmas Eve. The door of the living room will be closed all day — and no one is allowed to enter — and after dinner the ring of a bell announces that now is the time where the family (mainly the kids) are allowed to step into the living room to see the beautiful decorated tree and Christmas gifts for the first time. It’s a great time together of excitement, anticipation and celebration of the Christmas cheer.

Kenny Snyder

Grew up in: Southern Oregon

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Getting the tree and trimming it with family.

Yvonne Dos Santos

Grew up in: South Africa

Favorite Christmas Tradition

One of my favourite traditions was from my years in Bangkok. On Christmas Eve we would have friends over for a dinner of Raclette cheese. After that we would go to the midnight service at church.

Philippa Laird

Grew up in: New Zealand

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Big Christmas dinner meals shared with family and friends going late into the night.

Heather Wood

Grew up in: Canada

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Advent — the celebration leading up to Christmas was my favourite! My mom made an advent calendar that had little gifts for each day of December.

Jeanette Rawlins

Grew up in: England, Kenya

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Celebrating advent & lighting the candle each week.

Steve Kilpatrick

Grew up in: Iowa

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Karen (my wife) and I instituted a favorite tradition as the first Christians in our families. We would set out a Nativity Scene in early December each year. However we left the baby Jesus out of the scene until Christmas morning. Instead we put a tin with straw in it and each child could put one blade of straw in for each helpful or selfless action towards another family member. In this way they were preparing the way for a comfortable resting place for Jesus on Christmas morning.

Lance Rawlins

Grew up in: South Africa

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Barbecue & volleyball with about 100 of my family members.

Jenna Funkhouser

Grew up in: Portland, OR

Favorite Christmas Tradition

Cutting down the Christmas tree in the rain, and drinking hot cocoa out of thermoses. Also doing an elaborate fondue with my whole family on Christmas Eve.

What’s your favorite Christmas tradition? We’d love for you to share with us here!

