Help WoWE finish the year strong

Lauren Glickman
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2016

At our Leadership Forum in San Antonio just two weeks ago we embraced a tradition started last year: two special boards on the wall in the room — one to list things that attendees hope to GET and the other to list things they can offer to GIVE. The boards were covered in post-its with business cards attached.

  • Job opportunities
  • Insights and advice
  • Personal perspectives
  • Detailed expertise from all across the renewable energy world
  • Tools for navigating and succeeding in careers and in life

These bullets represent just a few of the offerings and conversations, but they represent something about WoWE that I’ve come to know and love.

WoWE is successful because of the power of our network — a network full of women and men willing to give of their time, energy, and expertise and willing to ask for what they need and want.

This holiday season, I ask you to make a tax-deductible donation to Women of Wind Energy to support this network and our work together.

As 2016 comes to a close, we have our eyes set firmly on the future. With a government in transition, WoWE will be calling on all of you in the days, months, and years ahead to step up in big ways and small. Through our voices we can create powerful impacts. WoWE is here to lift your voice and to continue offering opportunities across the renewable energy sector in the form of a robust network with unparalleled professional development, leadership, and educational opportunities for both women and men.

What happened in 2016?

WoWE announced earlier this month our intention to transition our program work to include all renewable energy. We are excited to work with our colleagues and other partner organizations working in solar, energy storage, microgrid technology and beyond.

Responding to the feedback from our community, we have re-designed our online member center which is currently in a beta testing launch and has received positive feedback from new users. If you’re interested in giving the new member center a try please email us for credentials.

Each year with WoWE is a special one and it is an honor to get to spend it with such a dynamic group of individuals. With your continued support, I am excited to see what what we will accomplish together in 2017.

Thank you for all that you do!



Lauren Glickman
Editor for

Social media professional, amateur equestrian and self proclaimed clean energy nerd. All views expressed here are my own.