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ARTSPLOSION!!! The Passion-Palooza
An archive of a nerdy artist’s greatest passions from childhood to today
4. How theatrical!
4. How theatrical!
Ah, the theater! My greatest passion of all! It combines everything I adore most into one magical thing. My love of writing fits into…
Amanda Angeles
Mar 7, 2021
3. The music in me: classical and jazz
3. The music in me: classical and jazz
Among my plethora of passions and interests, I definitely think singing is the one I’m best at. I’ve been singing since I was able to…
Amanda Angeles
Mar 7, 2021
2. Art and design, a love o’ mine
2. Art and design, a love o’ mine
I’ve loved drawing ever since I was a youngin; for the first few years of my life I expressed my artistry with pen and crayon on our walls…
Amanda Angeles
Mar 7, 2021
1. Writing is actually fun???
1. Writing is actually fun???
These past few years I forgot that I actually LOVE to write. I think that’s because I haven’t been assigned/felt prompted to do any…
Amanda Angeles
Mar 6, 2021
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