
Sydney Goldstein
WP2: My Bizarre Reactions
1 min readMar 8, 2021

There are many ways a person can come to realize what it is they want to do with their lives. It could be by following in their parents’ footsteps, choosing something that will make them the most money, going with whatever subject in school they were best at, or, if you’re like me, it could come from a group of strange, visceral reactions you’ve had over the years.

I’m not sure how many other people have experienced this, but there have been multiple scenarios in my life where I’ve reacted so strongly or strangely to something that the something in question has resonated with me and stuck out in my memory ever since. Reflecting on all of these instances, I realized that each of these unique reactions have been to different artistic media, and they each played a large role in my decision to pursue Musical Theatre as my college major and to enter the Entertainment Industry later in life. Each of these archives provides a different media I experienced a rousing response to and sheds some light on how they each played a part in influencing my future.

