Budgets Open for Review: EOS WPS First Referendum

EOS Worker Proposals
2 min readAug 31, 2018

Over the coming weeks the referendum smart contract system goes into production and is incorporated across voting applications. When it is ready, we will register the proposal for the first referendum on a Worker Proposal System. Today we are releasing the budgets for each of the proposals that we hope to include in the first referendum. These budgets are for 6 months. For more context, please read our first public announcement from August 16.

Disclaimer: The WPS working group neither compiled nor endorses the proposals herein (with the exception of the Emergency Committee Proposal). These proposals will be subject to the highest degree of public scrutiny and will have to overcome the most difficult task in the EOS ecosystem — a constitutional level public referendum — a task none of these proposals will be required to pass if they are unbundled and presented AFTER the WPS system is approved. We invite members of the EOS community to vet these proposals and discuss the virtues of bundling vs. unbundling them from the final WPS proposal.

Please direct your enquiries and feedback to the WPS public telegram channel. Alternatively, you can also post your detailed views in the EOSGO forum.

EOSIO Core Arbitration Forum



Worker Proposal System Platform



Mainnet Repository



Emergency Committee



Total Budget


