Worker Proposal City

David Margulies
EOS Worker Proposals
3 min readAug 30, 2018

A graphic metaphor by David Margulies and Chris Pollard. Both are members of the EOS WPS working group.

In the beginning there was the EOS blockchain. There were block producers and token holders. For most, conditions were harsh and life was uncertain.

The Worker Proposal System (WPS) Group formed, with the aim to help transform EOS into a city that the owners would be proud of.

The first task was to purchase the land; a small piece of land to start with. These were the EOS tokens that would help to fund the transformation.

The construction trailer was setup, where the Emergency Committee started work in supporting the urgent works.

The underground plumbing and the electricity grids were constructed. This core infrastructure included emergency needs like ECAF funding and code repository management.

The zoning began. The Emergency Committee went about staking plots of land for each neighbourhood.

A global competition was held, where any person or team could submit a design for a neighbourhood. This was an open call to build the best governance design for a new category of works.

Each time a winning team was voted by the community, the neighbourhood was born, with an ownership of 10% of the city’s land.

The Neighbourhoods

The Oversight neighbourhood is like the city hall. This is is where the works in other neighbourhoods are overseen and where the Worker Proposal System is maintained.

The Infrastructure neighbourhood is like the Department of Public Works. This is where the work is dirty and there is no praise. This is where we keep the underlying code base healthy, where security audits and bug patches are done.

The Community neighbourhood is like the public parks, the schools and the tourist attractions. This neighbourhood supports meetups, education and the resources and spaces that strengthen the community.

The Developer neighbourhood is like the light industrial district. It is for supporting developers and ideas that will enrich the community.

The Miscellaneous neighbourhood is like the artist lofts and the repurposed space. This neighbourhood is for swag, burning and projects that may not fit in anywhere else.

