Bootstrap: What makes it an Ideal Design Framework?

Sunil Joshi
Published in
8 min readAug 18, 2020

If we look around the world today, thousands of developers develop websites using the same set of codes. Many of them always look for better frameworks to use some amazing Admin Dashboard Templates for their projects. And sometimes this becomes a hectic job to maintain so many different things in the same place. Furthermore, this may result in decreased productivity of a developer just because the tasks are repetitive and do have not much scope left to perform something new.

These are pain points of almost every developer and while you are reading this it gives you a feeling as if this blog is expressing you. Isn’t it? Come on don’t hesitate to accept, because this is a natural thing to happen in the programming world when you have to perform repetitive tasks.

Our intention is not to make you feel low on but something that excites you and makes your coding experience fabulous, but how?

Here, is something today we are going to talk about that has saved the precious time of thousands of developers and designers around the world with its easy-to-use functionalities.

Yes, we are going to talk about Bootstrap Framework. Let’s find out!

Bootstrap Framework — The Universal Buzzword

What is it so special about Bootstrap that for a minute we forget all our pain and get deeper into its implementation? Bootstrap is an open-source framework that provides responsive design and fully-customization options. This framework is powered by one of the leading social media giants around the world and with no surprise it is Twitter.

A few years back, Twitter developed a framework for its internal use named Twitter Blueprint for two of the engineers working there. Soon after the two engineers left the company and named it what we call today “Bootstrap”. It gained much popularity across the developer communities that today only think of Bootstrap as their first choice.

Knowing CSS Framework

One question that might be rattling in your mind while you are reading about the Bootstrap framework, is what this set of code design or CSS is.
A CSS framework in common terms is a set of styles implemented for a website design in such a way that the code structure can be reused multiple times throughout your website to maintain the design attire consistent.
A developer or a designer needs to understand well the framework for him/her if chosen. For that, there are 5 important aspects that you need to take into account while selecting a CSS framework for your next web development project. You will want to use free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates that add extra durability to your project. You can find them from some popular Template stores like WrapPixel and AdminMart.

Five-Point Checklist for Selecting a Framework

1. Mobile Responsive Design

One of the most important aspects of any website is its design and responsiveness across different devices. When a user gets a seamless experience on a website surfing through mobile devices they tend to stay longer on your websites.

2. Performance Booster

The framework that you use must enhance the performance of the website. This saves time and reduces the overall loading time. Many frameworks regularly update their functionalities and features to boost performance in the newer versions because this is another important to consider.

3. The Adaptability of the CSS Design System

Every framework has its CSS system to build a responsive website that offers consistency with its design, functionality, structure, and its standardized workflow.

4. Future-Proof Support

We all know that technology and its concepts are constantly evolving with time. This includes up-gradation and continuous updating on newer versions. But what if the framework is not reliable to adapt to the upcoming trends or design concepts? It might turn out to be a miserable experience where you are left with nothing but selecting the most prolific framework to begin from scratch.
How painful a situation that could be if you do not consider right from the beginning!!!

5. Flexibility over Customization

Yes, how can we forget that the framework is also known for giving customization options to develop websites based on the requirements and not sticking to the standardized structure of the website? If a CSS framework provides customization options that help to widen the scope of the lucrative design of a website for a business.

We all talk a lot about responsive website design and consider it as the core aspect of business sustainability today, but why?
Let us understand the concept of responsive design at its core.

Responsive Website Design: An overview

Sometimes we come across various technical terms that are either identical or simple and others need attention. Even possibly many terms are there that look so simple but require a proper mindset to understand and implement.
One such term is responsive website design which has grabbed the attention of the world and today it has become one of the essential features of any website.

By the term, responsive website design, we mean a methodology suggestive to be followed by all designers and developers for all their website development that respond to every action, behavior, and environment adhered to by the user. This means a normal website opened on your laptop should have an appearance across devices as well including its functionality, size, orientation, and platform.

This includes only HTML and CSS that provide flexibility to the layout and grid system using the prominent CSS queries to get the exact feel of responsive design across all devices. Today so many free admin templates are available for your personal or commercial projects to try out and fall in love with Bootstrap.

The growing intensity of the Bootstrap framework used

One may wonder why there is so much popularity of Bootstrap and buzz among developers. But let me tell you there are countless reasons and features of Bootstrap that make it so special. The most prominent use of the Bootstrap framework is creating beautiful dashboard templates.

Another big reason is its responsive and customization options that make it easier for developers to implement into their commercial or personal projects without any restrictions.

The success of any technology or framework that we see has a lot of minds working behind it that we may not even realize. Bootstrap framework is powered by Twitter and has an amazing community across the world that makes up Bootstrap one of the most favorable frameworks out there in the programming world even when there are so many competitive frameworks there.

….and the winner is the Bootstrap Framework. But How?

There are so many CSS frameworks people use these days but when you ask for the first choice, it’s always — Bootstrap. But why? The reason is its huge popularity and the resources it provides to all developers for understanding and learning its architecture.

Bootstrap is undoubtedly the most reliable mobile-first CSS framework that helps to design websites quickly and effectively. Another favorable advantage of using this framework is its open-source nature.

They offer modular UI design, elements, features, resources, and learning materials that widen your scope of working on Bootstrap effectively.
The best bootstrap 4 templates are developed and have been ruling the industry with their intensive features and easy-to-configure flexibility.

Some Premium Admin Dashboard Templates based on Bootstrap Framework designed by WrapPixel Team:

1. MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin Template

WrapPixel’s MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin is a premium bootstrap material design template that comes packed with new, fresh, and attractive designs and ready-to-use components. Based on the popular Bootstrap 4 framework and inspired by Google’s material design, the MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin template is bundled with multiple third-party plugins that make it an excellent standalone solution.

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2. Ample Bootstrap Admin Template

Ample Admin focus on having consistency with a design for backend applications used for digital marketing analytics dashboard, sales admin dashboard, data visualization dashboard, and other areas where the core of the business lies. The modular design helps them to conceptualize the processes and their progress through an intuitive business intelligence dashboard.

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3. Monster Bootstrap Admin Template

The search for Bootstrap templates can be frustrating sometimes since there are endless options out there. With WrapPixel’s Monster Bootstrap Admin Template, your search can come to a happy end. This is one of the best and most popular Bootstrap 4 templates you can get your hands on. It’s a popular WebApp template for admin dashboards and control admin panels. It’s not your everyday backend template, it can level up your applications and website backends with a consumer-grade and intuitive user experience.

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4. AdminPro Bootstrap Admin Template

One of the biggest reasons for using AdminPro Bootstrap Theme is its ability to enhance the performance of your WebApp projects with its amazing user experience. Using premium bootstrap 4 templates you can always accelerate the performance. Many developers love its full customization options and responsiveness that provide astounding experiences for their users.

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5. Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Template

One of the most efficient and vibrant Bootstrap 4 admin dashboards is Xtreme Bootstrap Admin which is very easy to use. Being the most favorable bootstrap admin template premium with different industries is highly in demand helping businesses to prosper and manage their exponential business growth.

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6. Elegant Bootstrap Admin Template

Are you searching for some of the most innovative, fresh, trending, and outperforming admin dashboards? Well, WrapPixel has the answer to your question as Elegant Bootstrap Admin. One cannot believe that such a thrilling premium admin dashboard template that has every solution for your needs.

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7. Severny Bootstrap Admin Template

If you are looking to build a website that’s user-friendly to access and manage, then an efficient control panel is a must. Severny Bootstrap 4 Admin is a Bootstrap admin template that fits this need perfectly with unique features and a thoughtful design aesthetic. Offering greater control of your admin dashboards and control admin panels, this is one of the best Bootstrap 4 templates that comes in 10 different styles, each one with a modular content architecture that’s up to date with the latest design and UX trends.

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Bootstrap framework backed by Twitter is predicted to become even more intense because of its strong community support and resources available around the world in just a few clicks.

For designers and developers, this is the right time to explore more with the Bootstrap framework while we are about to welcome the version 5 release very soon.



Sunil Joshi

Avid designer cum developer at who is passionate about solving complex UX challenges across digital businesses.