It’s all about the lessons

Marjana Ahad
WRD 103 Reflections
5 min readNov 13, 2019

Defining My Theory Of Writing

Before I used tho thing that writing is a long term process and it only done by professionals, not everyone can write. But now I think writing is about whatever you want to write. it all about freedoms. You can write about anything you want to be. It can be a real story, a everyday journal, fiction or nonfiction, or a novel. It is your imagination which is the key to creating a story of your own because you can go all over and it won’t be wrong. You can manage thing like how long it would be, what is the font, the style of the word. I and writing have lots of memories. I used to hate writing especially when someone say to write a reflection on what you saw in the video or in the presentation. And for the class project I always get stressed and terrified. I always started writing one or two hours before its due. But my class of WRD 103 I have learned lots of thing. I learned that if you break down a writing piece and make some drafts or built points of that writing it will help to make a perfect wiriting project. And it improve my writing ability and now don’t get stressed out or terrified of writing anything.

In the Beginning

At the beginning of the quarter my key terms of writing was connected to the final draft. The terms were creative, interesting, voice, ideas, story, perspective, style and passion. Those key terms does not connect with the draft, revision and feedback which is very helpful and important for a prefect writing. And I don’t had a purpose of my writing. What is the reason of my writing on the topic and what I am using to write? Who am I writing for? But as time passed my thoughts of writing has been change, so did my key terms of writing and I cam up with new key terms I believe more accurately describe writing.

My new key terms of writing ✍️ ❤️

The new key terms that I came up with now are feedback, revision, situation, composition, genera, exigence, rhetorical, medium, draft, purpose, and audience. Think there terms will allow me to fall more into realm of writing. Although I will keep expanding my knowledge about writing until the day I can’t think about anything about writing and there is nothing new to learn about writing. And I thing those are the words that are perfect for writing at this point. Maybe in future there will be more words and more brief explanations. It is impossible to think to have without another because they all are connected with each other somehow. In the picture below that the connection are shown with the arrows.


The one thing that contribute to my theory of writing most is the reading response and . And this is because the reading response that we did at the very beginning of the class which is reading response #1 — “What is Writing?”. This reading response force me to think about a definition of writing. Before that I never thought about a definition of writing in anywhere, not in high school, not even when aI was in my country. The reading response was the one that ignited that thought into my head and it got me thinking. In the reading response #1 I said “Before I thought writing is a long term process and it will take a long time. It only possible by a professional writers and any story and novel writers not every one can write and it need lots of work and perfect grammatical rules’’. This was my definition before and this this the thing that changed over the quarter and I am hoping it will grow in future. Another thing that contribute to my theory of writing is the feedback on my project that I have done throughout the quarter. Because it helped to make corrections to my writing and if I had something missing I can put into it with the help of those feedback. After getting the feedback, I continue to the phase of revision. I alter parts of my piece in order to best convey my message by considering the suggestions that I’ve received and remembering the purpose of my paper.

Examples of Feedback

Relationships Between My Theory of Writing and My Writing Practices

The relationship between my theory of writing and my writing practices is they both have been changed over the time and the improved. Now they both represent the the idea. My theory of writing is freedom and my practice writing is also have freedom in it. Because in my writing practices I don’t have any restrictions or any boundaries. I can write as much as I want. So I can say that my ur theory of writing to better account for your actual writing practices. For examples, my second project is on discourse community where I have a take an interview of some people from that discourse community. And I had fully freedom of choosing a discourse community and the people who I want to take an interview. And in project three I did multi-modal composition where I have to chose a genre and write about it, how it is connected. There weren’t any specific genre that I have to pick and do a project on it. I had full freedom pf choosing a genre and write about it. So, I made a flyer and I am able to do anything on on it. I can chose my own designs, font, writing style, color and other stuffs. There is no limits.

Final Thoughts

I have learned from my WRD 103 class throughout the whole quarter and I am hopping and excited to expand mu learning on theory of writing in the rest of my life. I have developed lost of things especially the writing process. Before I used to write only one complete project, no draft, no revision nothing. And that’s made my grades fall when I was in high school. But now I have an idea of the processes of writing. If you get a feedback from someone it helped a lot to improve the writing. Composition and Rhetoric I taught me how to apply myself more thoroughly in my writing and gave me tools to analyze my compositions in a deeper sense than a simple grammar check. I taught me how to put my thoughts into a paper with well organized.

