New Ideas Coming from Real Experiences

Chloe Dillport
WRD 103 Reflections
5 min readNov 13, 2019

Writing Processes.

Real-life experiences are what help us come up with our writing ideas.

Writing is a way of taking real life experiences and memories, and making them into a new idea or story for others to enjoy. The way that you are able to determine what you want to write about is by thinking of the audience you want to connect to. By doing this it helps narrow down to the genre you want to portray to your audience and how you would like to set up your template. Writing was not always this clear to me until I realized ideas can come from anywhere and anything, not just from my imagination. My theory of writing is how we take our real-life experiences and turn them into new ideas or into a fiction tale to be able to write our story for the audience we need it for.

Short stories are a type of genre to write in, a key term to stepping into writing a story or short story is to come up with changes. Looking for ways to take your memories or own experience and change it into a new and appealing idea for your audience. Writing has many key factors that go into them but the biggest is the genre or ideas. The reason that this is the biggest/important key term is because this is how you are able to start whatever piece of writing that you want to start. Another very important key term to me would be the audience. The audience is another way to find out what direction you want to go with your writing process. This key term is a very important one because if you are supposed to be writing a children’s book for the audience of children but you end up writing a PG-13 story, this can totally throw off the audience or even make them not interested at all. These both tie together in a way that you are able to change your ideas and have a way to think of the beginning of your stories, to figure out where to start and how to portray your message to your audience.


In the beginning this is all I thought of writing as….
And now I have much more information to use for my thoughts on writing.

The definition of writing has changed majorly for me from the beginning of learning the theories of writing. In the beginning my writing theory was very different from what it is now. I was very used to using the basic materials needed for writing and now I have been opened up to all new terms that can help my writing majorly. In project 1–3 I really used the knowledge that I had learned about rhetorical analysis and the audiences and the genres to make my papers more formal and to have them overall flow better. Overall my writing has improved and I have been able to take the new knowledge I have learned and applied it to everything I already knew to create a better piece. Reflections were a major part in me learning my new forms of writing. The reflections helped me realize the things I was doing wrong and helped me to fix them to create a better outcome. I have grown in my writing and have shown improvement in the understanding of bigger concepts to create and better outline for my writing. Reflection and genres have really improved my writing by realizing that I am able to write about anything in everyday life and have that as a story.


The reading material that we had to read for Word 103 in the book “Writing About Writing”, is where I have most of my knowledge about the things I have learned for 103. Rhetorical analysis, genres, and writing processes I was able to learn in “Writing About Writing”, I was able to have helpful examples to understand each key term for writing and it also helped me improve my writing techniques. The things we were able to be active in, in class also helped as well, such as the peer reflections. I was able to have really good and helpful feedback from my classmates that made my writing techniques even better.

Helpful feedback from my peers, color coded..
Another helpful feedback draft from peers that really helped me engage to fix everything.


The relationship between my theory of writing and my writing practices is that my theory of writing is based off of everyday life, my writing practices are happening everyday, as I created experiences and memories. I have made my theory of writing wrap around my writing practices because it is more practical to me and makes more sense to base my stories or information off of my real life experiences or memories. My theory of writing really helps me approach a writing prompt not worried anymore and low anxiety because I like to base my writings off of things I personally know and it makes the writing process a whole lot smoother.

First draft in the class.
Improvements over the class time.
Finally at the end of the class I was able to make things like a multimodal.


Finally, always write. It helps your memories and it makes you want to remember experiences more and to live in the present to create these new crazy stories. Theses all together into my writing theory and process by finding what to write about and finding the audience that you writing for. Having peer edits and other revisions helps to better your paper always but no story will every be 100% perfect.

