Theory of Writing

1 min readNov 13, 2019


What is my theory of Writing?

Well, throughout the course of the quarter my theory of writing changed dramatically. I have a better understanding of what writing is and what it means. Before taking WRD 103, I thought writing was solely based off of a specific rubric and set of “rules” that you had to follow. I was told it had to be gramatically correct. In high school, it was clear that my teachers cared more about where I put my commas rather than the ideas I laid out on the page. I cared more about my grammar than my ideas because I did not want to be marked “wrong”. I was stuck in this world that writing had to be done a correct way, and if it is not, my writing is bad or I am not a good writer. Coming into college, I thought it would be just like high school, with a ton of red marks, but even harder. Clearly, I was wrong. College cares more about the ideas you put on a page and the message behind the paper than putting a period in replacememt of a comma. I have a better understanding that writing is about telling a story, your story, and the meaning behind it. One of the first activities we did in class was creating a writing map. I remember one of the words I put down was grammar and correct. High school got me stuck in a bad place when it came to my writing.

