A signed copy of “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds

Big Feelings Paired with Beautiful Piano and Simple Lyrics (“The Luckiest” by Ben Folds)

Ella Yates
WRD 288: Rhetoric and Popular Culture


A simple piano melody, lyrics about being in love, and Ben Folds’ storytelling; what more could you want in a song? Growing up it wasn’t always cool to like the same music as your parents, but my parents made me a proud fan of Ben Folds. His talent on the piano is something I can’t comprehend even after years of piano lessons. “The Luckiest” pulls at heartstrings by combing his piano skills to a delicate melody with lyrics describing big feelings of love in simple lyrics.

In his memoir, Folds describes originally writing the song for a movie, but it ultimately not being used. The song was later released in his 2001 album, Rocking the Suburbs (a no-skip album), and was later put in the romcom “About Time.”

With lyrics like “I love you more than I can ever find a way to say to you,” it’s easy to fall in love with how Folds describes being in love. While some writers use complex metaphors to describe the same emotion, I appreciate how Folds uses simple everyday stories to show how love can be simple and sweet.

