Stan Greyson
Wrecked with Stan Greyson
3 min readMay 11, 2020


My name is Stan Greyson and, while I’m not a lawyer, I’m an advocate for consumer rights. Several years ago a friend of mine suffered an injury from an automobile accident and I watched how difficult it was for her to get both the medical and legal help she deserved. Since then I’ve listened to scores of stories from accident victims who didn’t get the medical or legal help they needed so I decided to start sharing my advice here on Medium.

More often than not personal injury victims fail to get the medical treatment they need, much less fair compensation for their pain and suffering. The truth is that most accident victims aren’t immediately aware of their injuries. Most of us go to the doctor each year for an annual checkup but very few get a checkup after being involved in an accident. It is vital that you see a doctor following every accident. If you don’t think you can afford to see a doctor there are lawyers who are willing to cover your medical bills. This publication is designed to give accident victims the information they need in order to maximize the value of their personal injury claims while getting the medical care they need to protect the quality of their lives.

The law allows that if you are injured by someone else’s negligence you have a legal right to demand they put you back into the same place and condition you were in before the accident happened. The only lawful way for this to occur is for the other party to compensate you with cash. Determining how much money you are owed is a very complicated process and can be very adversarial as well.

It is important to realize that insurance companies are focused on minimizing their payments to accident victims. They will thoroughly investigate you and your case in an effort to diminish the value of your claim as much as possible. Depending on the size of your claim and their financial exposure, they may employ various investigators to research your past social media activity, interview your family, friends, and coworkers. They may even attempt to trick you into engaging in activities that might tend to undermine your claim.

Most personal injury victims don’t realize that they must take personal responsibility for their medical care and legal case. Even with the best doctors and lawyers, the medical and financial outcome is your responsibility. You’ve got to do your part by keeping your doctors and lawyers informed and up-to-date on your condition and circumstances. They will have many patients and clients, and no one will understand your treatment process and legal case better than you. Finally, keep yourself apprised of the various statute of limitations and deadlines related to your case and enter them in your calendar. Don’t be afraid to remind your lawyer of them well in advance.

As a subscriber to Wrecked on Medium, I want to share a free copy of my book Wrecked: How to WIN Your Personal Injury Claim.
Download it here for free: https://autoaccident.expert/

