Medical Treatment is Vital to your Personal Injury Case


Stan Greyson
Wrecked with Stan Greyson


Unless you die at the scene of an accident the only way to receive a fair settlement or judgment is to seek medical treatment for your physical, emotional, and mental injuries. There is simply no way around this fact. If you’re not willing to get treatment, you cannot get a fair settlement plain and simple. As discussed in You ARE Injured, “as an accident victim you are perhaps the worst person to determine the extent of your physical, emotional, and mental injuries and are certainly much less qualified to determine how much you should be compensated for them.” Regardless of whether or not you were treated at the scene or in a hospital setting immediately following your accident your lawyer is going to want you to visit a medical professional with specific experience with accident victims. Take their advice.

Your lawyer will provide you with the names of a number of medical professionals near your home or office that can help diagnose your injuries and in most cases, their services will be provided at no upfront cost to you. In general, the diagnostic process is fairly straightforward but in some cases might require a number of tests and examinations. Given the way, insurance companies value personal injury claims you should trust your lawyer and doctor and participate fully in your diagnosis and treatment.

Your medical and legal advisors are experts at understanding how insurance adjusters and courts compensate victims and they will attempt to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your injuries. It is your job to take their advice. If the doctor prescribes physical therapy you must be willing to continue the full course of treatment. You’ve got to trust your lawyer and your doctor if you want the best possible medical and financial results. You may prefer treatment from non-physician medical providers, but insurance adjusters will often discount the value of their services. The reality is that medical doctors are highly qualified and can provide the level of care you need AND help you obtain a financial result that is fair.

Accident experts have years of experience helping victims recover from their injuries. Sometimes the treatment they prescribe may seem excessive, but the truth is that science has shown us that longer treatment periods result in more successful results. It is vital that you share all of your medical complaints with your doctor. Many victims are embarrassed to share everything with their doctors and as a result, diminish the value of their claim. Your doctor cannot treat conditions he is unaware of.

Finally, take responsibility for your own medical records. Keep track of each office visit, procedure, test, and treatment. Keep all receipts for over- the- counter and prescription medications, as well as other items such as crutches, canes, neck braces, splints, and bandages. Don’t forget to keep a daily treatment record detailing how you feel each day. Use a diary such as the one below.

As a subscriber to Wrecked on Medium, I want to share a free copy of my book Wrecked: How to WIN Your Personal Injury Claim. Download it here for free:

